The restaurant industry is one of the most difficult industries to operate, where there is a complex and challenging competition, where different reasons and variables are effective, and which has a lot of risks (Lee et al., 2016). In particular, in addition to the high closure rates in the first three..
The Future Development and Transformation of Restaurants: An Evaluation of the National Restaurant Association (USA) Report
Salih Zeki SAHIN*
Restaurants are one of the most important addresses of the phenomenon of eating out (Özdemir, 2010), which is defined as the fact that people consume food and beverages prepared and served outside the home by paying a fee (Özdemir, 2010). While the restaurant is defined as "the place where food is cooked and sold, soup kitchen (space)", which is considered synonymous with the concept of "restaurant" in the Dictionary of the Turkish Language Association (2021); by different researchers (Cullen, 1994; Riley, 1994; Wood, 1994; Kivela, 1997; Johns & Pine, 2002; Prescott et al., 2002; Park, 2004; Riley, 2005; Gustafsson et al., 2006; Lee et al. et al., 2020) have been the subject of studies with physiological, cultural, social, psychological and economic dimensions.
According to Bingöl (2009), the word "restaurant" emerged in the 16th century and was used to refer to "a spicy dish that restores lost energy". Later, in the 18th century, it was used by Brillat Savarin in exchange for "chocolate, broth and red meat"; He stated that since the 19th century, it was used as a "shop-place selling only fortifying foods".
Today, restaurants, operating in a complex structure with environmental factors, products and services shaped according to the needs of consumers, is a widespread and powerful phenomenon. In the development of this phenomenon, Albayrak (2014) states that the increase in the income of the consumers, the increasing work intensity, the increase in the number of women in business life, the time saving, the economy, the desire to socialize by meeting new people, the desire to be with family/friends, the fun, convenience, status-prestige, He emphasized that reasons such as novelty seeking and avoidance of cooking at home are factors in people's eating at restaurants.
The restaurant industry is one of the most difficult industries to operate, where there is a complex and challenging competition, where different reasons and variables are effective, and which has a lot of risks (Lee et al., 2016). In particular, in addition to the high closure rates in the first three years of small-scale restaurant startups (Camillo et al., 2008), numerous internal and external factors, including marketing and customer relationship building, have an impact on the success or failure of a restaurant business. Parsa et al., 2005; Uslu and Eren, 2020).
In the pandemic process, which has been affecting every part of society and business life since 2020, restaurants and other food and beverage businesses, keep the consumer demand alive, and show a sustainable development with new approaches with the increase of the material and moral risks they have to endure in order to continue the life of the business. they seem to be trying.
Although concepts such as natural, local and cultural are the concepts and applications that seem attractive and frequently mentioned in the culinary (gastronomy) field and the restaurant sector in recent years, the existence of scientific research, developments in the field of information-technology and the effects of industry 4.0, the opportunities and contributions they provide. is an undeniable fact. Kurgun (2017) has established a relationship between gastronomy trends/currents and the types of innovation that form their source, within the framework of the internationally accepted document called “Principles for the Collection and Interpretation of Innovation Data”, also known as the Oslo Manual.
Restoran sektörü için de kabul edilebilecek bu yaklaşıma göre; ürün/hammadde yeniliği (mevcut özellikleri ya da öngörülen kullanımlarına göre yeni ya da önemli derecede iyileştirilmiş bir mal veya hizmetin/ ürünün ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu; teknik özelliklerde, bileşenler ve malzemelerde, birleştirilmiş yazılımda, kullanıcıya kolaylığında ve diğer işlevsel özelliklerde önemli derecede iyileştirmeleri içermektedir. Mutfak/restoran sektöründeki hücresel tarım uygulamaları ile silikon vadisi yiyecekleri, ürün yeniliğine girmektedir), süreç yeniliği (yeni ya da önemli derecede iyileştirilmiş bir üretim ya da teslimat yönteminin gerçekleştirilmesi, kullanılmasıdır.
Organic farming, vertical farming, cellular farming, highly locally sourced product use, silicon valley food and fast-casual restaurant concept applications in the kitchen/restaurant sector enter process innovation), marketing innovation (product design or packaging, product positioning, product promotion) It is a new marketing method that includes a /promotion or significant changes in its pricing.
The use of clean products in the kitchen/restaurant sector and fast-comfortable restaurant concept applications enter into marketing innovation), organizational innovation (it is a new organizational method application in the commercial applications of the business, workplace organization or external relations. Vertical agriculture in the kitchen/restaurant sector, cellular agriculture, high use of locally sourced produce and applications of silicon valley foods enter process innovation); The main innovation areas specified in the said guide are; It is possible to say that the predictions of the experts in the report examined within the scope of the research study can be classified within this framework.
With this study, the opinions of field experts on the development and changes in the restaurant sector; It is aimed to transfer and benefit from restaurant operators, potential sector entrepreneurs, actors operating directly or indirectly in the food and beverage sector, academics and those who are educated in the field. It is important in terms of completing the lack of similar studies in the national and international literature, being a source for the studies to be done on the subject and providing the opportunity for comparison.
Considering the fact that the evaluated report was prepared by the world's largest and most prestigious organization in its field, and that a significant part of the predictions in the report was realized with the effect of the pandemic process, the importance of the study is much better understood. It is certain that if researchers evaluate the original text of the reviewed report and take into account the situations and practices that emerged in the restaurant sector during the pandemic process, they will obtain much more useful information about the future development and changes of restaurants. In the study, after giving information about the organization that prepared the report and the report, explanations and evaluations were made about the predictions about the future of the sector in the report and the external factors that may affect the sector.
National Restaurant Association and Restaurant Industry Report
National Restaurant Association (USA)
in the United States (USA), the National Restaurant Association, founded in Kansas City in 1919 and headquartered in Washington DC; It provides services to its members in the restaurant sector and other businesses in the sector, such as training, consultancy, organizational events, and legal support (National Restaurant Association, 2021). Today, it is a non-profit organization that is closely followed by industry representatives and professionals not only in the USA but also internationally (Holmes, 2021).
In addition to its social responsibility projects, the organization expanded its organizational structure through purchasing (Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Association in 2016 and American Hotel & Lodging Association Educational Institute in 2017); In addition to monitoring the current situation of the restaurant industry with the reports it prepares, it tries to contribute to the field by collaborating with corporate companies and industry experts (such as restaurant owners, chefs, academics, managers) for the development and transformation of restaurants (National Restaurant Association, 2021). The National Restaurant Association (Allen, 2021), the world's largest restaurant and food services trade association, cooperates with more than 40 thousand members as well as more than 500,000 restaurant businesses in the USA and approximately 15 million employees in the industry.
Restaurant Industry (2030) Report
Restaurant Industry 2030: Actionable Insights for the Future, prepared by the National Restaurant Association with the contributions of Nestle Professional and American Express companies; It is a comprehensive report for the restaurant industry, published in November 2019 and attended by more than 100 industry experts with Delphi Technique (Restaurant Industry 2030: Actionable Insights for the Future, 2019).
The said report, which was evaluated, was analyzed in three parts.
In the first part, the general view of the restaurant industry in the USA (economic size, workforce and consumer demographics), figures from the past to the present and future projections are shaped. The most important points that draw attention in the data in this section of the report are; The economic growth in the restaurant sector and the percentage of increase in employment rates will continue to increase, albeit slowly, and in parallel with the increasing elderly population in the general population, the number of workers aged 65 and over in the sector will be much higher than those aged 16-19.
In the second part, the predictions of the experts, including 180 statements in total, under 13 headings regarding the possible future situations of the sector are included. Forecasts scored with a 7-point Likert scale are graded as highly probable (+3) and highly unlikely (-3). In the third part of the report, external factors that may affect the restaurant sector are discussed and evaluated under 10 headings.
Prospects for Development and Change in the Restaurant Industry
Forecasts made by experts on the future of the restaurant industry; (1) the basic structure of the sector, (2) restaurant service areas and applications, (3) restaurant profitability and revenues, (4) restaurant financing resources, (5) technology and data use in restaurants, (6) workforce/employment in restaurants, (7 ) training and development in restaurants, (8) marketing in restaurants, (9) food safety and security in restaurants, (10) public practices in restaurants, (11) restaurant menus, (12) health and nutrition practices in restaurants, and (13) sustainability in restaurants. are grouped. Under each heading, applications/situations related to that subject; were graded and scored according to the high probability of occurrence. Expressions and values in the tables in question, Restaurant Industry 2030:
Basic Structure of the Restaurant Industry
Experts participating in the study emphasize that a great change awaits the restaurant industry in the next ten years. It is foreseen that the competition in the sector will intensify and the restaurant industry of the future will serve with a hybrid model (in-house and out-of-business-packaged food-beverage service combination). It is emphasized that convenience in services will be a big priority and that consumers will appreciate the services offered in restaurants, but they will not always eat in the restaurant, the importance of eating outside the restaurant will increase, and this will mean takeaway, delivery and perhaps services with new styles that are not yet developed for restaurants. Third-party distribution companies, virtual restaurants and other models, new formats that will appeal to guests will be in the sector, guests' restaurant experience,
Among the 19 propositions evaluated regarding the basic structure of the restaurant industry (Table 1);
Customer competition among businesses will gradually increase, restaurants will expand their food offerings with different types and varieties, it will continue to be an area of attraction for entrepreneurs, there will be delivery options for smaller (niche) markets, and "local/virtual" restaurants that only work with the concept of product delivery will become widespread, non-enterprise food ordering/delivery/sales applications will show a stronger growth than in-house food production and distribution system, more balanced and facilitating options will gain weight, growth for special/limited market segments (segment) will grow stronger than table segment, table service Businesses providing services in the segment will also focus on increasing their products and services for non-operational demand,The issues such as the growth in the sector will be mostly through franchising practices by chain enterprises are the most prominent development and change predictions by the panelists.
Considering that the study was conducted before the pandemic process, it is seen that most of the predictions for the basic structure of the sector (increased competition, increasing importance of package/delivery services, rapid adaptation to the hybrid system, etc.) have already been realized. In addition, it draws attention as a shortcoming that the predictions about the pandemic practices (in terms of food, employees and customers) that quickly affect the basic structure of the sector are overlooked in this framework. In addition, it would not be wrong to say that the prediction that the sectoral growth will be more moderate will be difficult to realize in the current structure.
Table 1. Views on the Basic Structure of the Restaurant Industry
Statements / Propositions
Competition for customers will intensify.
Food service offerings of businesses will expand (increase in type and variety.)
The restaurant industry will continue to be a breeding ground for entrepreneurship.
Smaller markets will have more delivery options.
Virtual or "ghost" restaurants that only offer delivery will be more common.
Out-of-office traffic will generate stronger growth than in-office traffic.
Consolidation in food production and distribution will intensify.
The limited service segment (quick service, quick casual, coffee and snacks) will see stronger growth than the table service segment.
Desk service segment businesses will place more emphasis on increased offsite traffic.
Chain business growth will be driven more by franchising than by adding company-owned stores.
More emphasis will be placed on experiential restaurants to drive on-site traffic.
The restaurant and catering industry will take a larger share of consumers' food expenditures.
It will still be common to tip at table service restaurants.
Suppliers will increasingly partner with restaurant operators.
The number of restaurant and food service locations will continue to increase.
Chef-oriented restaurant concepts will become more common.
Restaurant industry sales growth in the next decade will be more moderate than in the previous decade.
More American restaurant companies will expand internationally.
Independent operators will be the primary innovators and new product developers.
Restaurant Service Areas and Service Applications
According to industry experts, non-operating service units and practices of restaurants will be central to their growth and development in the future. This trend will accelerate thanks to technology and will require long-term changes in design, flow and speed of service in restaurants. It will be structured so that the physical spaces of the restaurants will be smaller, requiring larger space due to increases in delivery and take-out services. Smaller but efficient restaurants also mean more automatic kitchen equipment and a change from the layout of the typical kitchen.
When Table 2, which includes the predictions of the experts for the future service areas/units and service applications of the restaurants, is examined; The designs of the packages (equipment/equipment/packaging) used by the restaurants to deliver their take-out/out-of-service products to their customers will be more different and effective, the takeaway delivery and the restaurant order where the guests come and go to take their products will become widespread, environmental-green restaurant practices will gain importance and will come to the fore in restaurant designs. While it is seen that it is much more likely that these issues will occur, it is foreseen that working hours in restaurants will not increase.
Table 2. Opinions on Restaurant Service Areas and Practices
Statements / Propositions
Packages designed exclusively for delivery and transport will be more sophisticated and effective.
More restaurant layouts will include areas dedicated to delivery and outgoing service.
More restaurants will be designed to reduce energy and water use and minimize waste.
The typical restaurant footprint will be smaller.
Computerized cooking equipment will become more common in restaurant kitchens.
The use of restaurant space will be more flexible.
Restaurants will be more likely to offer self-service options to customers.
Restaurant design will become more experiential.
More restaurants will have open kitchen designs for display cooking.
Mobile food service (food trucks) will have a larger share of sales and traffic.
Restaurants will include more retail space (such as pick up/door sales).
Restaurants will increase their opening hours.
(-3) It is unlikely to come true / (3) It would not be wrong to say that almost all of the predictions made specifically for the service areas (units/units) and service applications of the Restaurants, which are very likely to come true, are the applications made by the operators during the pandemic process. In the aforementioned area; In addition to the regulations within the scope of pandemic practices in restaurants (such as reducing capacity/dilution, creating a safe area/distance), it can be said that additional negative environmental effects arising from the use of disposable materials and measures such as increases in the use of disinfectants cannot be predicted.
Restaurant Revenues and Profitability
In the future, margin pressures (revenue and profit) will continue to be intense for restaurants of all types and sizes, and cost management will be more important than ever. According to experts, neither a decrease in food and beverage costs nor an increase in profitability seems possible. With tighter margins becoming the new norm, the simplest way out of this challenge is for restaurants to create good menus.
When the data in Table 3, which includes the predictions of the sector experts on the subject, are examined;
The share of the compensations to be paid by the restaurants to their employees in total revenues will increase, the real estate cost items will increase with the increasing competition for well-located / popular places, the investments in technology will have a positive effect on the profitability of the enterprises, the education investments will be given importance in order to increase productivity, the share of alcohol sales will increase and have a positive effect on profitability. It is highly probable that things will happen, such as the use of cash in restaurants will decrease, restaurants with different concepts other than traditional restaurant structures will become widespread, restaurants will share a large part of their profits with third-party distribution companies.However, the predictions that the profit margins of the restaurants will increase and the share of the food and beverage costs in the sales are not considered very likely.
Table 3. Views on Restaurant Revenues and Profitability
Statements / Propositions
The share of compensation costs to be paid to employees in total revenues will increase proportionally.
As competition for priority/favorite places (spaces) increases, real estate costs will rise faster.
Smaller operators will have greater access to fully integrated software systems, from planning to ordering consumables to monitoring sales/traffic metrics, increasing their profitability.
Investments in technology will increase restaurant profitability.
Operators will be more likely to invest in training to increase productivity.
Alcohol sales will increase as car-sharing applications and self-driving cars reduce the risks of drunk driving.
Growth in alcohol distribution will increase profit margins for restaurants.
A higher percentage of restaurants will stop accepting cash.
Traditional 'brick' and 'mortar' restaurants will be more likely to generate 'pop-up' concepts as an additional source of income.
Restaurants will share a larger percentage of profits with third-party distribution companies.
Businesses with a lower average per capita account will have higher profit margins than businesses with higher accounts.
Food and beverage costs will decrease as a percentage of sales.
The profit margins of the restaurants will increase.
(-3) It is very unlikely to happen / (3) Considering that the applications (capacity use, space arrangements, security and hygiene practices, etc.) implemented in restaurants during the Pandemic process, which is very likely to occur, will partially continue after the pandemic, this situation both costs and costs. The fact that it has an increasing effect and is an important factor that will force the sector in terms of reducing revenues and profitability also necessitates much more careful calculations by businesses. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that different approaches will become widespread in a short time, with an understanding that menus differ in content, portion, quality and price, and marketing/sales methods and techniques are diversified in the restaurant industry.
Restaurant Financing Resources
It is foreseen that the issue of “financing” for the restaurant industry will be one of the problematic and challenging areas in the future. Low profit margins and share demands, especially in large-scale restaurant businesses, are seen as an important obstacle to investment demand in the sector. It is foreseen that private finance companies (such as banks, financial institutions) will be an important source of finance for the sector, but the difficulties in accessing and obtaining credit will increase, the sector will not be very attractive for new investors, and approaches such as employee ownership in restaurants or employee shareholding may (should) come to the fore.
When Table 4, which includes the data on the future financial resources of restaurants, is examined; It is likely that the sector will be supported mainly by private financial institutions and the ownership structure will tend to this direction, that it will be much more difficult to obtain financing for independent restaurants, and that foreign asset investments will gain weight in the sector. However, it is not likely to realize that there will be ease in obtaining and accessing credit, especially small-scale restaurant businesses will have more opportunities to benefit from employment-oriented incentives, and sectoral investment will be attractive.
Table 4. Views on the Financial Sources of Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
Private financing of restaurant businesses will be more common than public (share/floating) financing.
Meeting the demands of shareholders will force more public restaurant companies to move into the private sector.
Financing will be more difficult for independents.
There will be a larger foreign presence in restaurant financing.
Crowdsourced funding will become more important for niche catering concepts.
Suppliers will be more likely to invest in new restaurants and concepts.
The restaurant sector will become more attractive to investors.
Small businesses will receive more financing from tax incentives for job creation.
Local independent banks will be more willing to finance restaurants.
Access to credit will be easier for restaurant operators.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
It would not be wrong to say that one of the most important problems that restaurants face in every period and in different countries, such as providing financing under appropriate conditions and providing incentive supports, will continue to increase in the future (taking into account the compelling effect of pandemic conditions). However, with the understanding that the employment-oriented structure of the sector (especially considering the excess of small-scale enterprises) should be supported during the pandemic process, it is stated that public supports will continue, especially in the USA and Europe, where the report was prepared, and that the financial rehabilitation of the sector. It can be said that the studies and regulations for this will continue.
Technology and Data Use in Restaurants
Technology and data will become more important than ever in the restaurant industry and will play an important role in future change and development. The customers of the future will demand much more technology. It will be impossible for restaurants that are not structured in accordance with this demand to continue their existence. Today's customers are interacting with restaurants digitally to order takeaway delivery, get takeout, pay, rate the experience, and upfront preferences, and they expect the restaurant industry to keep up.
Technology will automate traditional tasks in the industry. Everything from inventory management to planning, payroll, taxes and invoice reconciliation will be more automated in the restaurants of the future. This means that there will be a greater need for technical support, cybersecurity, restaurant managers and tech-savvy staff. In addition, innovation in many areas will increase productivity. Big data will have applications for restaurants of all sizes, and much greater collection of data will be possible thanks to the “Internet of Things”. While industry experts consider it unlikely that customers will embrace data collection, making data-driven decisions will permeate every aspect of the restaurant operation and collaboration with technology companies will increase in this area.
When Table 5, which includes the expressions predicted by industry experts regarding technology and data usage in restaurants, is examined; It is seen that technological change and development are much more prominent in the areas of ordering, payment, data collection and information conversion, efficiency and managerial in and out of the restaurant.
Table 5. Views on Technology and Data Use in Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
It will be commonplace for restaurants to accept mobile payments.
Hand-held payment terminals that allow payment at the desk will become widespread.
The vast majority of takeout and delivery orders will be placed digitally.
The use of kiosks will become widespread in restaurants with limited service.
Video menu boards will become widespread in restaurants with limited service.
It will become easier for operators to turn point-of-sale (POS) data into actionable information.
Technology will be used more effectively to control costs and improve management efficiency.
Artificial intelligence (such as optimizing menu prices, verbally suggesting menu items to consumers) will be used in more ways.
Restaurant inventories will be automatically calculated and forwarded when the product is removed from inventory.
Restaurants will provide more tools for customers to give real-time feedback electronically.
Restaurants will rely more on third parties for data hosting.
Handheld tablet menus will become common in table service restaurants.
Restaurants will invest more in cybersecurity to protect consumer data.
The increasing use of virtual assistants by consumers to initiate general restaurant and menu item searches as well as voice ordering will be a key productivity and sales engine.
Customers will be less forgiving when data breaches occur.
Drones, autonomous vehicles and robots will play a larger role in delivery.
Customers will, with their consent, adopt to collect data on their daily restaurant experience.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
A significant part of the developments in this section, which are considered very likely to occur, are tried to be implemented quickly by restaurant businesses during and after the pandemic process, they receive support from technology companies, especially in matters such as orders, deliveries and product supplies, they establish cooperation and partnerships, and thus they try to survive. is seen. Options such as data security, automatic product preparation devices, use of robotic/unmanned vehicles in deliveries will become widespread; It is possible to say that the tendency towards the use of technology and data will continue at an increasing pace in the sector.
Labor/Employment in Restaurants
At the forefront of the issues highlighted in this section of the report is that multiculturalism, which is compatible with the demographic structure of the United States, and that women's employment will continue with an increasing importance and proportion in the sector. It is certain that this phenomenon will increase the employment of minorities (immigrants) and women in restaurants, which will be similar in many regions and countries, considering the effects of the current pandemic process and increasing immigration/refugee events.
Apart from these predictions stated in Table 6; Jobs and workforce will diversify, the need for qualified employees will increase, the number of employees per restaurant will decrease, the interest in employees (intern-apprentice) employed through partial work practices and training programs will increase, and the average age of the employees to be employed in the sector will be high with the aging population. are possible considerations.
Table 6. Views on the Workforce in Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
Women will be in a larger portion of senior management jobs in the restaurant industry.
Minorities will have a larger share of top management jobs in the restaurant industry.
The average number of employees per restaurant will decrease.
The restaurant industry workforce will become more diverse.
The restaurant industry will continue to be labor-intensive despite technological developments.
The restaurant industry will increase the levels of pay and other benefits they offer to attract and retain employees.
Immigrants will make up a larger portion of the restaurant workforce.
Technical skills will be given greater value in restaurant staff.
Older workers will make up a larger portion of the restaurant workforce.
Restaurant operators will rely more on their short-term employees.
The increase in automation and robotics will ease employee challenges in the restaurant industry.
Apprenticeship programs in the restaurant industry will become more popular.
Young workers will make up a larger portion of the restaurant workforce.
The average tenure (work) in the industry for a typical employee will increase.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
In order to increase the performance of the employees in the restaurant sector and to attract and retain qualified workforce in this sector, it will be much more important for them to renew themselves, to take part in the competition by using social and cultural elements as well as financial rights and reducing risks in the face of possible quantitative decreases.
Although it is mostly realized through training and on-the-job practices in the restaurant sector, basic issues such as hosting guests, efficient working and risk management are an important part of this field. Parallel to the technological developments, it is a necessity that the training areas and their contents are aimed at training the employees on new tools/equipment, software and applications to be used in the restaurant industry.
Thus, technology will be both an educational skill set and a training ground for restaurants (like online apps, smart devices, automated and robotic devices). Despite the automation or digitalization of business in the sector, the human element will not lose its importance, restaurants will need to manage their businesses with a career-oriented approach and increase their cooperation with schools providing training in this field in order to provide qualified personnel and to be employed for a long time.
Looking at Table 7, which includes detailed predictions of industry experts; Other prominent issues were the predictions that the trainings will be online, that the priority training of employees on food safety and allergens will increase, that employees who speak more than one language, have higher education and have training certificates in the field, and that virtual reality applications will be used in the trainings.
Table 7. Views on Training and Development in Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
Further training will be provided online and on smartphones.
More employees will be certified in safe food handling/packaging/serving.
Allergen training will be mandatory for employees.
Independents will have greater access to online professional training.
More restaurants will develop and support their in-house career ladder to help retain employees.
More restaurateurs will partner with schools and universities to recruit staff.
Multilingual workers will be more in demand by restaurateurs.
Virtual reality technology will be used in employee training experiences.
Restaurants will place more emphasis on in-house training and development.
Employers will increasingly value certifications that show proof of employees' restaurant operating skills.
Video games designed for restaurant staff training will become more popular.
The typical restaurant worker will be more highly educated and educated.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
As in the rest of the service sectors, restaurants are affected very quickly and significantly by possible crises, and in these cases, the first sacrifice is the employees within the framework of "savings or financial measures" (especially those who earn high wages, this group is much more qualified both in terms of quality and experience). can be qualified). This practice, which was also encountered during the pandemic period, triggered the dismissed trained/qualified personnel to turn to newly formed business lines or other sectors, unlike the previous crisis periods.
The fact that job insecurity is so common and frequent both creates the need for trained personnel and can keep people who want to turn to the sector away. In order to break this vicious and negative cycle, it would be appropriate to add long-term contracted employment contracts to the "education-career" elements stated in the report by industry experts.
Marketing in the Restaurant Industry
It would not be wrong to say that technological developments and changes will bring about the change of traditional marketing understanding in the restaurant industry. Although there has been an increase in restaurant operators, who are trying to keep up with this change, especially through social media channels, in recent years, the future of marketing in the sector will be accepted by large segments, as well as the provision and processing of personal and local data.
Önümüzdeki yıllarda kişiselleştirilmiş ve hedefli pazarlamada uzmanlaşma, başarılı işletmelerin en temel ayrıştırıcı özelliği olacağı öngörülmektedir. Bu durum, teknolojinin kullanımı ile müşterilere sunulan menüleri, talebe göre değişen fiyat tekliflerini ve çevrimiçi pazarlama için sadakat programlarını içerecek bir teknolojinin kullanımını da beraberinde getirecektir.
Future marketing budgets on data (knowledge) acquisition for restaurants will be much higher than past marketing budgets. It is predicted that restaurants will focus on maintaining their existence in the future with more online applications, digital content creation and digital advertising activities, and marketing methods and techniques such as customer location information (geo tracking). When the opinions in Table 8 are examined, it is seen that the determinations regarding this situation come to the fore.
Table 8. Views on Marketing in the Restaurant Industry
Statements / Propositions
Restaurant operators will be more likely to implement more local, targeted and customized promotions.
Restaurants will be more likely to use technology to allow menu and price offerings to change depending on the time of day or day of the week.
Databases and loyalty programs that are widely used for online advertising and promotion will be used more frequently.
Videos - in both in-store and digital marketing - will be used more often to market restaurants.
Restaurants will be more susceptible to negative social media.
Digital marketing will offer the best operator ROI among marketing/advertising channels.
Consumers will become more value conscious.
Tourism spending in restaurants will increase in part due to operators marketing directly to tourists.
More restaurant companies will offer their branded retail products in restaurants and stores.
Biometric/facial recognition applications will be more widely used as part of authentication in loyalty programs.
More restaurants will sell meal kits (table d'oet) or home/cook options.
Customer loyalty will decrease in restaurants.
Discounts in restaurants will be less common.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
In the pandemic process, which started shortly after the report was published, digital resources and applications started to be the focus of marketing and sales activities in restaurants, as in all sectors. For this reason, it is possible to say that the predictions stated in the report will be adopted and implemented in a much shorter time and with much more innovative applications and digital marketing approaches in the restaurant sector. Apart from the existing global and local technology companies, it is highly likely that both competition and service diversity and efficiency will increase with the emergence of new companies that will invest in this field.
Food Safety and Security in Restaurants
Food safety and security will continue to be a critical area for restaurants. Especially as the growing consumer orders market (such as pick-up and take-out orders, home/office delivery orders) grows, it is predicted that restaurants will be much more sensitive to protect their brands and business image with solutions that will zero possible food safety risks. As stated in the projections in Table 9, as consumers' expectations for transparency increase, many restaurants will open their audit reports on food safety and security to the public. Food chain technologies such as barcoding and blockchain will help create digital records of a product's journey from farm to fork.
The dramatic increase in data across the supply chain will quickly identify the source of foodborne illness outbreaks and eliminate potentially contaminated food. Food safety certification and comprehensive food safety management systems will be in demand as critical components of improving food safety. When other predictions in this context are carefully examined, it is seen that issues such as the tightening of food safety surveillance on imported products and the increase in the expenditures allocated by restaurants on this issue are highlighted.
Table 9. Opinions on Food Safety and Safety in Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
Businesses will volunteer to make restaurant inspection results public.
Most cases shipped in the supply chain will be equipped with universal barcodes or code reader devices.
Most of the processing of food products in the supply chain will be done by machines rather than humans.
More food safety certification for management and part-time workers will improve restaurant food safety.
Technologies like blockchain will increase traceability in the restaurant supply chain.
More restaurants will implement comprehensive food safety management systems.
Food chain safety and “food protection” will draw more attention to prevent deliberate food contamination (contamination).
Investigations/inquiries into the backgrounds of employees and suppliers will become more common.
The restaurant industry will develop a more comprehensive response to food safety incidents.
There will be greater pressure for global food safety standards.
Consumers will show an increased awareness and interest in food safety.
The restaurant industry will develop a more comprehensive response to food safety incidents.
There will be more oversight on food products grown abroad.
Restaurants will spend a larger portion of their budget on food safety.
The complexity of traceability will be an increasing barrier to local food movements.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
As consumers' knowledge of food safety increases, their sensitivity will also increase, and thus their expectations and demands from restaurants will increase. From this point of view, it is expected that all parties in the sector, from food manufacturers to wholesalers, from distributors to retailers (including restaurants), will increase their orientation and use of automation, robotic technologies and artificial intelligence applications in food safety and security.
Public/Legal Practices for Restaurants
It is foreseen that the legal regulations of the public (government) regarding the fields of activity of restaurants will be expanded and reconsidered to include new fields and subjects (Table 10). In addition to regulations in emerging areas such as third-party delivery, data privacy, environmental rules and packaging, regulations to increase the basic rights of employees, tax increases on alcoholic beverages and food products, imposition of obligations for detailing menu contents, mandating food safety training of employees, public administration in restaurants. It is foreseen that the future of legal regulations may be involved in the regulation of food portions.
Table 10. Opinions on Public Administration Practices in Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
Regional and local governments will increase restaurant industry regulation.
There will be increased regulations on third-party delivery.
The government will enact more data privacy rules to regulate how businesses handle and process customer data.
New environmental regulations will increase operating costs.
There will be more government regulation on takeaway and disposable packaging in the restaurant.
The government will increase restaurant industry regulations.
The level of basic rights of workers will increase.
Alcoholic beverages will be taxed more heavily.
Taxes focused on food service will increase at all levels of government.
Regardless of the size/scale of the restaurant, it will be mandatory to provide nutritional information (ingredient, item, value, etc.) for food and beverage products.
The government will provide food safety training for all restaurant workers.
Restaurant owners will be more involved in donating to political candidates and issues.
The government will increasingly regulate portion sizes of menu items.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
Considering the measures taken by local, national and international public authorities, legal regulations and restrictions during the pandemic process, it would not be wrong to say that a strict public control beyond the aforementioned predictions will continue to be effective in the restaurant industry today and tomorrow. It should not be overlooked that the regulation and inspection demands on the subject can be requested not only by the public or the business, but also by customers with increasing consumer awareness. In addition, the presence of representatives of professional organizations that will express the demands of the sector before the public authority and will be effective in possible regulations will contribute to the successful implementation of lobbying activities in the presence of governments.
Restaurant Menus and Food
It is seen that the trend of restaurant menus and the food offered to be innovative and fresh in line with the demands and expectations of the customers will continue. It will contribute to the perception of "clean" menus and foods of restaurants that emphasize "sustainably sourced" in the menus; It is envisaged that it will carry the restaurant “to the future” with the telling of the stories behind the food served.
When the predictions on the subject are examined (Table 11); In the coming years, healthy product options will be put forward in the menus, products made from plant-based protein will be in demand, consumers will demand and sensitive allergen information in the menu contents, their palate tastes will be enriched and differentiated, and foods and beverages from different cultures from different parts of the world will be found on the menus more and more. It is seen that the emphasis will be placed on the menu concept of restaurants in the future, with the emphasis that customers will also monitor the supply sources of the foods they will demand, the importance and weight of sourcing from local will increase, the portion quantities will decrease, and the presence of "branded" products in the menus will increase.
Table 11. Views on Restaurant Menus and Food
Statements / Propositions
Restaurants will offer healthier options on their menus.
Plant-based protein (vegetarian) food products will grow in popularity.
Consumers will increasingly want allergen information.
The taste of consumers will be more sophisticated.
Global cuisine-themed restaurants will increase in popularity.
Restaurants will offer a fresher selection of produce on their menus.
Consumers' interest in the source of food supply will increase.
Local food supply will become more common.
Portion sizes will generally be smaller.
Restaurants will be more likely to offer Customer Based Development based options on their menus.
More food and beverage suppliers' 'branded' products will be on the menus.
In general, restaurant menus will offer fewer choices.
Restaurants will be less likely to offer paper menus.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
It would not be wrong to say that the speed of implementation of the above-mentioned predictions about restaurant menus and food within the framework of ongoing trends has accelerated and become widespread during the pandemic process. In line with the increasing "healthy product" expectations of consumers; Restaurant operators are trying to be more careful at every stage, from the production of the products to the purchase, from the storage to the production line, from the service to the presentation.
It is certain that this trend will gain in importance in the coming years. Food-beverage recipes written in different cultures, perhaps centuries ago, may come up again. In particular, the prescriptions written by well-known physicians such as Ibn Sina for health or healing for diseases can be included in the menus of restaurants. Increasing the number of programs in which local agricultural practices and healthy/organic product cultivation are encouraged by both the private and public sectors, coordination and bringing them together with consumers in a structure that includes restaurants can be another important issue.
Health and Nutrition Practices in Restaurants
One of the most important things that consumers who eat at restaurants look for in this experience; It is a delicious dining experience with a healthy, nutritious ingredient that cannot be found at home. Consumers' demands for "relaxing food" will increase, innovative approaches and options will be offered for the preparation of healthier foods for children and adults, "special menus" will be prepared to meet the demands of those with special needs and dietetic diets, technological applications (including payment devices) will be used to improve the nutritional habits of customers and It is foreseen by industry experts that the tendency to work with a dietitian will increase.
This issue, which should be handled together with the menu issue, is one of the areas that restaurants follow with the pandemic. At a time when the predictions in the table and beyond are handled with increasing sensitivity, the preparation and presentation of healthy, nutritious, delicious, affordable and accessible food by restaurants will continue to gain importance. In the near future, the application of the concept of "personal nutrition" in restaurants, which will be introduced with the help of digital applications by processing the obtained data, should not be seen as a distant possibility.
Table 12. Opinions on Health and Nutrition Practices in Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
Regardless of the nutritional content of the food, consumers will still want comfort food.
Restaurants will provide children with healthier food and beverage options.
Restaurants will be more creative and innovative to make meals healthier.
Restaurants will offer more options to meet certain diets.
A larger proportion of consumers will have dietary restrictions.
Restaurants will offer more foods and beverages that are low in added sugar.
Products with lower fat, calories and sodium will become common on menus.
There will be increased synchronization between POS systems and consumers' personal health monitoring devices/apps.
Restaurants will be more likely to offer smaller portions at lower prices.
Restrictions will be placed on advertising “unhealthy” foods.
Restaurants will be more likely to purchase the services of a specialist dietitian as staff or consultant
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
In addition to the demands of consumers in this direction, it can be considered as another option that public authorities can encourage this through legal regulations in cooperation with professional organizations for restaurants to offer healthier nutrition menus.
Sustainability in Restaurants
Sustainability practices will continue to be at the forefront of all operations of restaurants. As environmental problems and sensitivity increase, the orientation of the public, businesses and consumers to sustainability practices will also increase.
While innovative restaurants lead sustainable business operations, especially those mentioned in Table 13; the use of energy efficient equipment, the importance of sustainability in marketing studies, the widespread use of environmental and recycling programs, the increasing importance of environmentally friendly designs for restaurants, the use of sustainable products in menus, the consideration of environmental effects in the use of plant and animal products, the widespread use of environmentally friendly alternative energy sources, It is predicted that issues such as that consumers will prefer restaurants with strong sustainable programs and that restaurants will tend to allocate resources to programs and practices aimed at ensuring animal welfare will be important issues in the future of the restaurant industry.
Although we have seen that the prediction that there will be decreases in the use of disposable restaurant packaging/materials increased instead of decreasing during the pandemic process, it is possible to say that positive developments will be experienced in the field of sustainability with innovative and environmentalist approaches in these restaurant packaging, when we consider the increasing importance of recycling and waste programs. . It is seen that the sensitivity of national and international organizations to plans and actions on sustainability will be followed and implemented with increasing attention, especially in the restaurant sector.
Table 13. Views on Sustainability in Restaurants
Statements / Propositions
Equipment used in restaurants will be more energy efficient.
More restaurateurs will introduce their sustainability practices and marketing efforts to consumers.
More restaurants will implement recycling programs.
Restaurants will offer more sustainably sourced menu items.
Disposable restaurant packaging will decrease.
Eco-friendly restaurant designs will become more common.
Restaurants will be more likely to take steps to reduce their environmental impact.
A larger proportion of businesses will buy products made from recycled materials.
More restaurants will follow the food waste (waste).
Consumers will be more likely to become customers of restaurants with robust sustainability programs.
A larger portion of the restaurant's energy will come from natural gas.
A smaller portion of restaurant energy will come from oil.
More restaurants will implement organic fertilizer programs.
More restaurants will use their sourcing policies and practices to establish high animal welfare standards.
A large part of the restaurant's energy will be provided by the solar energy panels in the business.
Most of the restaurant energy will be provided by wind energy.
Restaurant service costs will decrease as a proportion of total operating costs.
The majority of restaurant energy will come from nuclear power.
(-3) Not likely to happen / (3) Very likely to happen
In the next part of the study, the issues related to the "external" factors that are predicted to affect the future of restaurants by a different expert team, apart from the "forward-looking projections" that are related to the restaurant industry's own internal dynamics and handled with different areas (subject headings) by the experts in the field.
External Factors to Affect the Restaurant Industry in the Future
The Foresight Alliance's futuristic team, involved in preparing the Restaurant Industry 2030 report, draws on science and research to help companies create business plans that can build upon, respond to, and even capitalize on developments that may arise in the decades to come. The company, in its works; makes a list of “disruptors (factors)” that have the potential to affect lifestyles and businesses, and the developments and trends they will reveal.
Each disruptor creates an "area to watch". These areas are not only expected phenomena based on estimations, but also very likely developments in the near future, which are revealed by external analysis factors such as demographic trends and artificial intelligence. Disruptive/destructive factors are also opportunities. They can help look at areas where you need it that people aren't working on yet. The trick is to get as many people as possible to work on it and think about the future together.
The "disruptive" external factors, which are thought to have a certain effect on the restaurant industry, are grouped under 10 headings in the said study. Perhaps only three or four of the external factors given below will occur, or perhaps they will appear in different forms in the restaurant industry with effects that we cannot see coming. The findings in this section were taken from the study titled Restaurant Industry 2030: Actionable Insights for the Future (2019; 30-40) and interpreted and evaluated.
Smart Restaurants
Information technology will permeate restaurants. This will enable restaurants to interact in real time with an advanced digital ecosystem that understands natural language voice commands, completes tasks for the user, and consists of personal AI assistants (Siri (Apple) or Alexa (Amazon) etc.) They will “learn” the preferences of their /users). They will become increasingly important for restaurants to provide accessible, detailed and accurate data, deeply integrated into consumers' daily decisions.
Restaurants will be able to use new data capabilities to develop dynamic menus with real-time pricing that can respond to changes in supply and demand. Data on restaurant operations, nutrition, preparation methods, ingredients and details on supply chain authentication will also be available from smart restaurant applications.
People's adoption of smartphones; AI assistants are both a personal assistant and a gateway agent between a brand and a consumer; the proliferation of the “internet of things”, embedded physical objects with electronic software, sensors and network connectivity that enable objects to collect, send and receive data; the increase in the use of the 'voice search' feature from the internet on the electronic devices of the users, the increase in the demand for personalized diet/food needs (allergy, weight, religion, ethnicity, etc.); The variability of consumer preferences as an expression of social and political values will cause this situation (smart restaurants).
Considering why it will be important for restaurants, the concept of "smart restaurant"; With a growing information ecosystem, it will require the integration of restaurants with upgrades of their data collection and information technology systems. Brands will be able to market directly on virtual assistant platforms and find that the platforms' algorithms are highly sensitive to minor changes in restaurant prices or other data. All aspects of restaurant operations such as health inspections, safety training, staff certifications and food supply will be more transparent. Consumers; Effective management of food allergens will become more important in restaurants as they expect to document food preparation processes, ingredients and production practices.

Virtual Restaurants and Cloud Kitchens
Expansion of central kitchens providing delivery service; expansion of online delivery brands; increased real estate and labor costs; the presence of time-limited consumers who do not want to cook; the expanded role of social media in brand marketing; growing consumer demand for convenience; lifestyles of the “digital generation” who grew up in the digital age; food preparation robotics and new delivery options; will cause this situation (virtual restaurant-cloud kitchen applications). Accelerating trends in technology and consumer demand will lead to more “cloud kitchens” and “virtual restaurants” restaurants that exist only online or through an app. Growth of the industry; It will be supported by the expansion of central kitchens for food preparation as well as social media marketing featuring menus, philosophies and chefs. In the sector,
In terms of restaurants, with the rise of restaurants without physical space, the concept of what a restaurant is will be questioned and redefined. Like other industries moving online, virtual restaurants will likely see a relative drop in costs (such as staffing and rent) and other barriers to entry (opening) when opening a restaurant. Virtual restaurants can dramatically change the franchising model. The expansion of central kitchens for meal preparation will support the continued growth of app-based meal delivery services. The move to cloud kitchens will likely impact local real estate markets as well as local commercial and retail spaces serving customers of physical restaurants. "pop-up" versions of online restaurants,
Applications That Challenge Brands
As dining venues, restaurants may merge with or sometimes co-brand with major food delivery practices. Based on consumer data and profiles, which restaurants are allowed to make (prepare) which types of food can lead to food delivery practices where menus are communicated. Consumers may become increasingly loyal to third-party delivery apps, leaving loyalty to individual restaurants behind.
Third-party delivery apps are emerging as a key switch between consumers and restaurants and will be able to fulfill consumer demands with convenient and seamless order delivery. can develop these relationships by creating labeled brands. Implementation companies can further break the direct link between restaurant and consumers by contracting local restaurants to serve relevant “house brand” meals.
The rapid rise of food delivery and other offsite options; consumer expectations for uninterrupted convenience; consolidation between food delivery applications; the success of private labeling in retail; locking applications to customers through a “network effect” (the more users use the applications, the more valuable the applications); delivery services purchase “shadow” restaurant URL domains; will cause this situation (the existence of practices that challenge restaurant brands).
Considering why it will be important for restaurants; newly established independent restaurants will be able to find wholesale opportunities on delivery apps. With a restaurant industry-funded delivery application, restaurants will be able to build brand relationships directly with consumers. Restaurants will be able to use special, unique menu items to defend against weakening their brand. Packaging (packages, containers/apparatus) used in food distribution will become an increasingly important issue in ensuring brand interaction with consumers.
Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous vehicles promise to change how people who travel get their food and what they eat and drink in cars. People will have the time and opportunity to eat comfortably while driving, using both hands. Longer travel times will be possible with autonomous vehicles, making it functional to transport and reheat food during the journey. Restaurants will be able to geographically segment their marketing efforts in this regard, and at the end of this process, they will switch from the use of self-driving (autonomous) cars to autonomous cars.
In addition, some automated food trucks may become wheeled vending machines that circulate with selections from a group of restaurants (menu-food-beverage contents) or self-prepared food and beverages.
The rapid development in artificial intelligence applications and autonomous vehicles, consumers' expectations of "convenience", the expansion of online ordering and delivery infrastructure, the evolution and change of car and truck usage patterns, advanced safety technologies and reduced tolerance for risks will result.
When we look at why it will be important for restaurants, restaurants that interact with autonomous vehicles early will practice in processes that are likely to become widespread in the future. Software, including AI assistants that recognize voice commands and complete tasks for users, will increasingly select targets and eventually interface directly with cars. It will become more important for restaurants to have a strong and clear marketing presence across all relevant channels, including screens in autonomous vehicles.
Autonomous delivery vehicles may be possible sooner than fully self-driving passenger vehicles and will change the delivery business. Restaurant layouts and drive-through applications must accommodate interactions with self-driving vehicles. More and more hands-free cars will mean that different types of food can be consumed in the cars.
Big Tech Food Takeout Basket
Food ordering will be directly integrated with media content ordering. Non-food companies can add food and ready meals to their offerings (services) as an additional service. For example, a media streaming service provider may purchase or collaborate with an existing meal delivery service to provide a dinner and entertainment experience (all-inclusive) service to its customers, or one-click ordering, logistics from an online retailer to add meals to their subscription service. and delivery expertise. Restaurants can go beyond existing loyalty or rewards programs and offer customers flat rate monthly subscription plans.
Growth in third-party distribution apps; more online retail options; simpler/simpler purchasing options (for example, one-click purchase); expectations and lifestyles of the digital generation; dominance of big tech companies with expertise in logistics and last mile delivery; expanding distribution models and services; will cause this situation. Considering why it will be important for restaurants; Well-funded, non-traditional businesses can secure positions in the restaurant industry and change the current system in the industry.
Unconventional operators will bring new ideas and new approaches to the restaurant industry. There will be opportunities for existing operators to partner with new entrants. The scale, reach, and years of reliance on losses to capture the market of some online retailers will test competitors. New entrants will seek greater integration with industry segments such as wholesalers, grocery stores, supply companies, as they use their logistics experience to maximize efficiency and minimize costs.
Bionic Restaurant
Automation and robotic technologies will begin to play a larger role in the food preparation and kitchen production line. Automation technologies such as touchscreen ordering units (kiosks) are already an emerging application in front restaurant operations. As costs fall and flexible, reprogrammable robot systems become more complex, internal operations will become fully automated. This will allow for greater automation of repetitive elements of food preparation and even allow motion capture replication in tracking chefs' movements. Cooks will work collaboratively with these systems, using their physical senses and expert judgment.
Advances in machine learning (machines learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention); development of flexible, reprogrammable robots; artificial intelligence services provided by Google, Amazon, Microsoft and others; growth in data analytics; will cause this situation (bionic restaurants). As for why it will be important for restaurants, higher automation-assisted kitchen productivity can reduce staffing needs and change compensation models. Using robotic equipment will become part of kitchen staff skills and restaurant-kitchen workflows, increasing food quality consistency. In addition, businesses will have higher capital costs and potentially lower labor costs.
Third Place (Type/Type) Restaurants
The decline of shopping malls and retail sales of "bricks and mortar" (an expression that characterizes restaurants with a classical-traditional physical structure) will lead to restaurants becoming even more important for public outings, community engagement and socializing. Gastropubs and full-bar fast-casual restaurants with expanded and versatile seating options, with less emphasis on table turnover and more emphasis on facilitating repeated socialization by customers, the German “biergarten” (open-air/garden beer and snack food establishment) can be converted to versions. Cafes and local independent restaurants can help transform food courts into food halls and bustling Asian street food markets.
The rise of e-commerce and the decline of shopping malls; increasing need for social space as more people work remotely or at home; the aging of baby boomers; retailers positioning restaurants along with stores; increased delivery sales, keeping people at home or in the office; dissemination of the 'food' culture; expansion of outdoor restaurant seating; the growth and popularity of coffee bars, craft beer venues and dining halls; this will cause (third-space restaurants).
Considering why it will be important for restaurants, the growth in takeaway and meal distribution will increase the importance of the face-to-face restaurant experience. The need for more socializing space will change restaurant layouts and space allocation (laws may interfere with outdoor seating). Embracing the social aspects of global food cultures can add an experiential component to restaurant visits and increase the appeal of international food offerings.
Weather Variability
Weather variability can increase food costs by causing disruptions to agriculture and the food distribution system. This would reverse the long-term trend of lower household food costs in developed countries. Growth patterns of both primary and specialty crops can be disrupted as weather changes affect agriculture, including changes in water availability. Secondary factors, such as carbon taxes on energy used in food production and transportation, or direct taxes on carbon-intensive foods, can also increase food costs.
Increased global temperature variability; weather-based changes in farming seasons and growing areas; weather disasters such as floods and droughts; taking action by weather-sensitive consumers about the impact of certain foods' carbon footprints; the global growth of the middle classes, driving food demand; development of plant-based meat alternatives; weather variability will be the reasons for the changes to be experienced in the restaurant sector.
Considering why this (weather) variable will be important for restaurants, deteriorating weather conditions may cause sudden increases and volatility in food prices even before food prices reach a relatively higher level. The sustainable high rate of food costs will change the core economy of restaurant operations. More consumers will grow up with information about the weather and will be more sensitive to the effects of food in restaurants, such as the carbon footprint and the impact of packaging. Weather change issues will foster the excellence and consumer enthusiasm for alternative meats (for example, plant-based and lab-grown/cell-based meats). Weather dependent public policies, transportation for restaurants,
Kitchen Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence with knowledge of cooking techniques, food chemistry, recipes and alcohol will generate unexpected new culinary and beverage experiences. There will be attempts to patent recipes as technological processes, not as ingredient lists. Software and recipes that support automatic cooking will be seen as valuable digital intellectual property in need of security. An artificial intelligence with the algorithmic ability to analyze and synthesize data and information beyond human capacity about foods, beverages, ingredients, chemical compounds, and flavors will result in the creation of recipes, dishes, and beverages unlike those produced by humans.
Some AIs will be as well known as human chefs, baristas, and bartenders.
Rapid developments in artificial intelligence; new discoveries from artificial intelligence; recipes designed by artificial intelligence; algorithmic eating guidance; machine-readable data (contents, transactions, etc.); media popularization of artificial intelligence chefs, baristas and bartenders; will constitute the reasons for the developments in this field. In terms of why it will be important to restaurants, AI chefs and recipe creators can lead to new types of restaurants, creating entirely new categories of cuisines and beverages.
Because they "live" in the software, AI chiefs are out of place (do not belong to one place) and can therefore be run in many places at the same time. More cooking types can be arranged so that they can be read by the AI. If medical and health information is provided, AI chefs, driven by algorithms, can be programmed to maximize the health benefits of recipes and foods. Any reaction to automation can create a "back to craft" movement, based on people being central to all parts of the food and beverage process.
Medicine Meals
an aging population; Improved genetic information and the increasing intensity of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, obesity and Type 2 diabetes will create increased demand on an increasingly personalized level for meals that provide specific health benefits to diners. In some cases, these meals may be prescribed by doctors or as part of coverage by insurance companies. For restaurants, the costs of providing these meals can be offset by relationships with health and insurance providers who will refer patients to eateries with appropriate medical meals and servings for their condition. Personal digital assistants can be used to nudge people's diets, shape information "filter bubbles" and improve health, weight, etc. will be able to manage with "choice architecture" to manage. insurance companies,
Increases in healthcare spending, including prescription drugs; aging population of the society; preventive maintenance efforts; personalization of menus for diet and health; content restrictions for diet and health; Things like faster, cheaper, more accessible human genome testing for personal health data will cause this (medication meals). With an increasing understanding of how foods can affect gut microbes or activate gene traits, prescription meals will be more precisely targeted to why it's important to restaurants.
People like to eat well even if they have medical restrictions. Increasing recognition of chronic conditions in which eating appropriate foods helps or prevents will make prescription meals an important new category of convenience foods. Restaurants will need to provide clearer and more comprehensive information about the ingredients in meals so customers can make more informed decisions about choosing a health-based meal.
With this study, the opinions of field experts on the development and changes in the restaurant sector; It is aimed to transfer and benefit from restaurant operators, potential sector entrepreneurs, actors operating directly or indirectly in the food and beverage sector, academics and those who are educated in the field. In this context, it is possible to say that the information tried to be summarized in the third part of the study with the prediction of 180 expressions in 13 titles regarding the future of restaurants by industry experts, although it was evaluated and published before the pandemic, it contains accurate and useful information for the present and near future of the industry.
It is certain that it would be beneficial to revise the subject with a similar working format, as well as to find elements to be developed and corrected. It is observed that the 'external' factors, which are predicted to have an impact on the future development and changes of restaurants and given under 10 headings in the fourth part of the study, started to come to life earlier than expected with rapid and effective technological developments. Apart from these 'external' factors, it is possible for some possible factors to emerge and penetrate the restaurant sector.
It would be appropriate for the segments operating in the restaurant sector to carefully evaluate the areas of development and change envisaged within the scope of the report and the external factors that are anticipated to affect the sector from outside. The fact that their businesses should follow and adapt to sectoral developments in order to survive and not have problems with productivity and profitability should no longer be seen as a choice but a necessity. It should be ensured that the restaurants survive by benefiting from the developments in information and communication technologies, monitoring consumer preferences, addressing the market with unique products and services, innovative managerial approaches and practices.
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As the head chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR, I see the source:
Mr. I sincerely thank Salih Zeki ŞAHİN for his academic studies titled "The Future Development and Transformation of Restaurants: An Evaluation of the National Restaurant Association (USA) Report" and wish him success in his professional life . It will definitely be considered as an example by those who need it in professional kitchens and the gastronomy and culinary community.