Color in Restaurant Design, According to What Preference is Made? What are the Elements to Consider in the Decoration of the Restaurant? How to Light the New Restaurant? What Are The Most Considered Toilets While Building A Restaurant? How is the Guest Capacity..
What Is Restaurant Concept Design And Consulting?
Concept of Restaurant Business;
It varies according to the city where it is located, the origins of the people living, the level of food culture and economic level, the city's share in domestic and foreign tourism, the number of businesses in the current food and beverage sector and quality standards.
All these are primarily shaped according to the service options that will be requested by me . It is important which service option any business owner or institution wants to receive from me within my service areas . After preparing the feasibility of options on the needed issues, I prepare my work program with time, cost and "target" results in line with mutual agreement and present it with alternative options.
Color in Restaurant Design, According to What Preference is Made?
What are the Elements to Consider in the Decoration of the Restaurant?
How to Light the New Restaurant?
What Are The Most Considered Toilets While Building A Restaurant?
How is the Guest Capacity of the New Restaurant Adjusted?
What are the Points to Consider in the Heating and Ventilation System of a Restaurant in International Standards?
What are the Considerations in Kitchen Design to Have One of the Best Restaurants ?
What is Restaurant Concept? How to Create a Concept?
Restaurant Concept Design and Consulting
Today, restaurants with different standards direct the gastronomy world within the possibilities they have. Both summer restaurants, winter restaurants, city restaurants that work for 12 months or modern chef restaurants are also developing new concepts unique to them.
So what is the concept? First of all, let's look at the word meaning of the concept:
The concept was translated into Turkish from the French language. The dictionary meaning of Konsept is "concept" in Turkish. It also means style, understanding, opinion, thought. To me the word "style" sounds closer to the concept.
The concept includes innovations in terms of style used not only in restaurants but also in every profession and business line. Today, these innovations appear in many different meanings and forms, and they do not have any standard.
Sample Restaurants
If I have to open the concept word a little bit, I can almost say that the sky is the last limit in this business, there is no nerve. You can add as many innovations as you can think of, as much as you can imagine. I can say that your standards in your new concept, that is, your style, are your imagination.
Here The Challenges And Attention Begins In "The Main Issue" !!!
* To be able to maintain the standards you have set in your restaurant that you have just opened or want to make changes!!!
* To be able to protect the quality you have put in connection with your concept!!!
* To be able to comply with the rules you have determined in your business, first yourself, then your staff and then your guests!!!
What is Restaurant Concept? How to Create a Concept?
By the way, I said a guest… Because there is no "customer" understanding in the food, beverage and accommodation industry, there is a "guest" understanding!!!
In order to be successful and permanent in the gastronomy sector, you will welcome people who come to your restaurant like guests who have come to your home, so you should pay attention when determining your system related to these rules, and therefore, you should see at least 3 steps ahead of "everyone and what may be positive or negative" in your new restaurant so that you can shoulder the income and therefore the profit. and you need to be prepared by calculating.
It's not important to set the rules, it's important to follow the rules!!!
Do not forget that everything in the food and beverage industry is interconnected. Concept, style brings your standards, your standards bring quality, and follow-up brings success and profit. Now , when opening a new restaurant (or restaurant chain), remember that your concept is the style that you or your company have determined.
In order to better explain my personal thoughts on this subject, I will try to state them as one-sentence questions.
* What should be the concept of the restaurant I will open?
* What concept should I use to make my new restaurant one of the best in the city?
* Could the food concept and the architectural concept of my new restaurant be different?
* Which kitchen concept should I apply to make it the best restaurant in the city?
* Should I create a chain brand infrastructure so that I can have a successful restaurant?
* How much does it cost to create a concept in restaurants?
* Do I need restaurant consultancy to have a successful restaurant ?
* If I am successful in this job, can I sell my brand to other cities?
* How should I choose the food menu to open a permanent restaurant?
* Which international cuisines should I use to have an elite restaurant?
* Should I use a menu containing local delicacies to open a restaurant where white-collar employees can come?
* What does concept creation in new restaurants have to do with earnings?
* What kind of tables and chairs should I use in a restaurant where I can provide organization , activity banquet menus and group meals in my restaurant?
* What is the connection between restaurant decoration and restaurant concept?
* What does the ambience of the restaurant mean?
* What does the concept have to do with restaurant food presentations?
* Will I serve both lunch and dinner in my new restaurant?
* How big of a restaurant do I have to be to be the best restaurant in town?
* Should I appeal to businessmen and banquets and protocol dinners in my new restaurant?
* When I ask how to open a new restaurant from the very beginning, should I get food and beverage consultancy in order to have a successful restaurant ?
* When opening a new restaurant, should I write the restaurant management circular and the rules about the restaurant concept?
* How can I find someone who will give vocational training to all my staff who will work in restaurant departments?
* What is required to conduct a unique Concept Research for a permanent restaurant?
* Should I determine the architectural concept by considering the sample restaurant menus of my new restaurant?
* Is there a relationship between the food menu and the architectural concept?
* With the new restaurant management , should the kitchen management and my employees be given concept explanation and training?
* Do the interior design and exterior design of the restaurant have to be similar?
* What should the name of my new restaurant be?
* Is there such a thing as restaurant concept consulting ?
* Is there a connection between the location of the restaurant I will open and the concept?
* Should there be a connection between the name of the restaurant I will open and its concept?
* How much should the decoration and ambiance stand out in my new restaurant?
* How much budget should I prepare when opening a new restaurant?
* Is there a calculation of the budget with the restaurant concept?
* How should I locate my new restaurant?
* Should I open a summer restaurant or a winter restaurant?
* Can I make changes in my new restaurant such as seafood concept, steakhouse concept, family restaurant concept, ethnic restaurants, local restaurants concept?
* How many staff should I employ in my new restaurant?
* Can I overwrite the existing concept in my new restaurant with another brand?
* What does the restaurant concept have to do with the food and beverage menu?
* Should I consider the concepts of exemplary restaurants in order to open the best restaurant in the city?
* What should I consider when determining the concept for my new restaurant?
* What does the restaurant concept have to do with the supply chain?
* Are shopping malls important for new restaurants?
* Do I need culinary consultancy to have a successful restaurant ?
* Should my restaurant be by the sea?
* What are the advantages of opening a restaurant on the beach?
* How should I reflect the concept of my new restaurant?
* How profitable is a restaurant that is always open in summer and winter?
* What are the issues that I will pay attention to when determining the concept of the restaurant I will open?
* Does the concept have anything to do with success?
* Could the restaurant concept have anything to do with earning more?
* How important is interior and exterior architecture when creating my new concept ?
* Do guests pay attention to show off in my new restaurant?
* Will the gastronomy consultancy for my new restaurant have any impact on my business?
* Is the show of the restaurant important?
* Does quality have anything to do with cost?
* How should the concept be chosen to open unique restaurants in the city?
* What is the most important feature of a restaurant?
* Should there be a connection between the restaurant concept and the fixtures?
* Should I consider the concept when choosing plates and cutlery?
* How should I choose the serving sets while creating my restaurant concept?
* Does the restaurant concept have an importance in promotions?
* How important is the concept for a restaurant?
* Can I apply fusion cuisines in the restaurant menu?
* How should I find food names that will reflect the concept of my new restaurant?
* I wonder if my business will be better if I also provide cafe service in my vip restaurant?
* What should I do so that business people come not only to eat but also to have a drink and talk business with their guests?
For a detailed explanation of the issues I have mentioned above and more, I and individuals or institutions can contact my contact information between 11:00 am and 20:00 pm Turkey time .
Which Kitchens Are My Concept for Working in International Culinary Consultancy and International Food and Beverage Consultancy?
* Ottoman Palace Cuisine,
* Old Istanbul Cuisine,
* Traditional Turkish Cuisine,
* Mediterranean Cuisine,
* Vegetarian Cuisine,
* Anatolian Cuisine,
* Steak Restaurant,
* Arabian Cuisine,
* Indian Cuisine,
Note: In all kitchen concept types ; menu making, design and applied vocational training are among my service areas .
What is Restaurant Concept? How to Create a Concept?
How Should Restaurant Design Be?
The layout of a restaurant's living, bar, service and kitchen areas can make a big difference in how customers experience the space and how efficiently employees can act in that space while serving. A restaurant's profit margin can be increased by allowing employees to move between the service area and kitchen more quickly, serve customers more efficiently, and engage with customers more quickly.
Restaurant design and planning is a process that should be given importance and time during the establishment of a restaurant, as it facilitates the daily work flow and provides economic benefits.
After completing the location selection, the question of how the restaurant design should be comes to your mind; If you have started doing research on restaurant concepts or restaurant plans, now it's time to start the design process of your business. Your professionally prepared menu will be your most important roadmap in this process. At this stage, a separate and detailed project of the production areas and the service area is required.
The foods in the menu will give you the necessary information about the planning of the required production areas. You can find the answers to many questions such as how the restaurant kitchen should be, how much storage space is required, how large the vegetable and fruit disinfection area should be, or the positioning of the dishwashing room, starting from the menu.
Clue! Although the production area dimensions vary depending on the restaurant type, you can design it to be ½ of the service area size.
Identify Production Areas
Considering the transaction volume of the products in your menu and your guest capacity, you can decide which production areas should be in the business. You should make sure that these areas, which may differ according to the type and capacity of the business, can meet the needs that may arise over time.
The process, which starts with the goods reception area, where products are weighed and temperature measurements are made in full-time large-scale enterprises, continues with the preparation area where the products are washed, unpacked, pre-cut and cooked, and ends with the kitchen area where the products are cooked and tanned. This whole process may vary depending on the size of the business.
For example, if you are planning to open a business on cafe concepts, it will be more difficult to expand your menu in the future as the production areas will be more limited. In order not to encounter such problems, being sure of your concept in advance will help you determine your production areas and will save you from a possible money burden.
Prepare Your Kitchen Plan
When determining your menu contents, pay attention to the placement of the equipment you create. The plans should be prepared according to the dimensions of the equipment and the production flow in the kitchen. You should definitely include items such as the size of the equipment, the brand, the required energy sources, and the water output volume in the list.
For effective and fast production, you should make your plans by considering various scenarios. For example, you can choose to position the grill and other hot stations in the kitchen, which is designed as an island kitchen type, or if your cold chef will also be responsible for the pastry service, having these two areas side by side will allow your staff to produce more effectively.
Another issue to be considered within the kitchen plans is the efficiency and space efficiency of your kitchen staff while making all these plans. Working on alternative plans that show the flow of your kitchen staff in the production area will prevent possible problems you will encounter on the way to having an effective business. You should work on this setup according to its interaction with equipment such as cleaning, storage, cooler and cooker.
It is necessary to be more careful in the planning of open kitchens, which have recently been preferred by many businesses and are an indicator of cleanliness and discipline.
Open kitchens, which will create a visual show for your guests, also have some disadvantages. Cost and sound insulation are among these disadvantages. The use of tiles that provide sound insulation should be preferred in open kitchens, and refrigerators should be designed as under-counter cabinets. In addition, covering your open kitchens with glass will also help with sound insulation.
Prepare Your Technical Plans
One of the most common problems in restaurant planning is technical inconveniences. You should pay attention to the control of such technical plans in order to prevent technical failures that may seem like details such as incorrect calculation of the hood flow rate, the lack of proper slope of the drainage systems, but that will cause you to have big problems in the future.
Some of the kitchen equipment you plan to use may need higher amounts of energy and may need a three-phase system. For this reason, it is important that the products that need three-phase connection to be used are determined in advance and specified in the electrical plan of your business. Do not forget that it is extremely important to consider in terms of occupational safety that you should keep your electrical systems away from heat and water sources.
Especially for restaurant plans in the form of an open kitchen, the hood flow rate needs to be carefully planned to keep your guests away from unwanted odors.
The engine volume, size and distance of the hood from the heat source are among the variables to be considered.
Clue! The hood placed at the bottom of the wall will allow you to save more energy than the hood in the middle of the island kitchen style.
Create Your Service Area
One of the most important processes in restaurant plans is the design of the service area that reflects your concept. Applying for professional help in this process will make it easier for you to have an effective design in the planning of the service area, as in other areas.
service area; It is completed with the installation of basic equipment such as tables, chairs, cloakroom, service cart. With the various combinations you create, you can achieve effective results for your guests. While it is calculated as 1 person per 1.2 m² on average in service areas, cafes and restaurants, this rate is even lower in mass catering organizations.
Having the right size of tables in a restaurant will result in high profitability as it increases seating capacity by reducing waiting time for customers. In businesses, small tables are preferred in terms of size and the use of tables by combining them in case of need allows you to save both space and money.
* Current legislation may differ from the information listed above. The licensing procedures implemented by each relevant municipality may differ.
Criteria in Today's Restaurant Design
Criteria in Today's Restaurant Design
From the past to the present, the quality of life has been high as long as people can benefit from their environment, depending on their knowledge, ability, technological level and experience. The prerequisite for being able to benefit from his environment depends on the fact that everything he produces and possesses is suitable for the characteristics and capacities of the human being.
In this context, as a result of the rapid increase in population and unplanned industrialization, the number of people who eat their meals in restaurants continues to increase day by day, especially with women having to work outside. This raises the importance of restaurant design. In addition to the ergonomic regulations and criteria of restaurants, it shows that many factors such as the type of restaurant, its location, environmental conditions, number of customers and profile and natural appearance should be taken into consideration.
With the opening of a large number and variety of restaurants, generally without being designed according to ergonomic regulations and criteria, it becomes inevitable to experience many troubles, failures and work accidents. Preventing such problems can only be possible with a restaurant design that prioritizes the satisfaction, safety and efficiency of the employees and customers. On the other hand, according to the results of scientific research, it does not seem possible to present an ideal ergonomic design of restaurants with many varieties today.
All this shows us that it is possible to design a restaurant that is functional, original, aesthetic, compatible with its surroundings and interior design, with the desired variety and features, by coming together with experts from different branches.
In this study, the criteria and principles of a restaurant design that is pleasant, hygienic, suitable for human nature and compatible with its environment, which has become a necessity today, will be tried to be given briefly in an order.
1. Introduction
One of the basic needs of man, like all living things, is nutrition. Starting from about two and a half million years ago when man appeared on earth, until the Neolithic Period, which started 9-10 thousand years ago, he has always tried to obtain his food in difficult and harsh natural conditions with a hunter-gatherer culture. This adventure of man, which started in the Rift Valley of Africa, has been able to go to Asia and Europe in tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years, by leaving here, with the change of environmental conditions, from the northeast of Africa through Egypt, reaching Jordan, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Anatolia.
Although different dates are pronounced, with the first use of fire consciously, about 650-700 thousand years ago, people learned to cook animal and vegetable foods on fire. The conscious use of fire (the discovery of burning and extinguishing it at will) is considered the greatest discovery of human history. After the discovery of human fire, it continued to spread throughout the world, first going to places where the temperature could go below freezing.
In addition, they learned the behaviors of warming, protecting from wild animals, catching them, making more convenient tools, and communicating with each other in various ways by gathering around the fire at night. They understood that food is more easily chewed, delicious and digested by cooking. Indeed, the discovery of fire has made a great contribution to man's coming to this day. Because, where there is no fire, in other words, energy, there is no easy development and change (Akın, 2014).
Man lived in the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age = 900 000 - 10 000 years ago BC) and Mesolithic Period (Middle Stone Age; 10 000 - 8000 years ago BC) in nature with hunter-gatherer culture. In these ages, he was able to make tools suitable for his purpose, albeit rough, out of stone, horn, bone, teeth and wood. He invented the harpoon about 16 thousand years ago and caught fish from the aquatic environment and included it in his food menu. Since humans lived in natural conditions during these periods, the population of the whole world did not exceed 250 thousand in the Paleolithic period and 10-15 million in the Mesolithic Period, and the average life span was only 18-20 years (Akın, 2010b; Özbek, 2013).
In the Neolithic (New Stone Age = 8000-6000 BC) Period, people settled down in Mesopotamia and its surroundings and started to live in it by making simple houses. In the meantime, he started to cultivate by domesticating first wheat, then barley, rye, oats, lentils, chickpeas and broad beans, respectively. At the same time, pigs, sheep, goats and chickens were domesticated and included in the food menu. Man became a food producer for the first time by doing agriculture and animal husbandry in the Neolithic Period.
The beginning of man's production of food in the Neolithic was the greatest breakthrough in human history after the controlled use of fire. Thus, man learned to store food for use in seasons and months when food became scarce, and his life was guaranteed at some point. People, whose life has become easier, have started to look for solutions to meet their needs to think, see and understand events. Man learned to make flour by grinding wheat and barley with the help of a stone hand mill and grinding stone.
We know that making something starts with thinking, planning and designing. Because a person who does not think cannot see the facts, and a person who cannot see cannot produce solutions. We can say that it is the Neolithic Period, which is the trigger of today's information, technological developments, socio-political events, that is, all current developments (including overpopulation, environmental pollution and technological developments) (Akın, 2014).
At the end of the Neolithic Period (6000-5.500 years ago), with the start of making pottery made of clay, cooking with water became possible. In one corner of the one-room houses built in the Neolithic, we see that the hearth was lit and the cooking and eating began at home. Spices and sweeteners that grow in the environment over time, giving flavor and odor, were also gradually used in cooking. Thus, the number and amount of domesticated animals and plants increased day by day and these cooking methods spread to other regions.
Man has met all his needs from nature and still continues to meet it from nature. He has been able to benefit from nature in a rational and satisfactory level depending on his knowledge, technological level, talent and experience. The quality of life has increased to the extent that it can benefit from nature. (Akın,2010b; Özbek, 2013).
In the Chalcolithic Period (5500- 3000), with the formation of city (site) states, professions such as soldiers, clergy, shepherds, farmers and craftsmen, especially the city administrators, began to emerge. The need to record the products collected as taxes from the produced goods in an orderly manner triggered the invention of writing. Culinary culture developed with the first time cooking and cooking in large cauldrons and vessels for the food needs of soldiers and administrators (Merdol, 2012).
This continued in the Bronze Age (3,000-1,200 BC) and the Iron Age (1,200-395 BC). Over time, the food culture that emerged in Mesopotamia continued to spread to China, Egypt and Anatolia, in the form of Greek and Roman cuisine, French and English cuisine. The problem of evacuation of the smoke began to take place in a closed part of the house by making a chimney in the kitchens with the learning of the chimney technique (Özbek, 2013; Güner, 2014).
Ancient and Ancient Greek (starting around 800 BC) food culture has gradually become richer. The tavern-style restaurants known today as taverns and go to have fun have survived from the Roman Empire Period. Culinary knowledge in the Roman Empire Period was carried to France and from there to the North European and American cuisines through Italians (Uhri, 2011; Sallı, 2015).
With the start of the Industrial Revolution (18th century), the number of workers, especially in coal and mines, began to increase. Since the children, women and men working here work 16-18 hours a day, the number of weak and sick people has started to increase gradually. Restaurants have started to open, which means healing and reinstatement, in order to get rid of the diseases of the employees and eliminate their weaknesses.
Over time, their number has increased rapidly, and a wide variety of restaurant types that serve food in different ways have come to the present day. So much so that today there are many types of restaurants according to the lifestyles of societies, social structures, climatic conditions, habits, beliefs, geographical characteristics, food serving styles and the way the food is eaten (Merdol, 2012; Vegetable Oil, Industrialists' Association, 2015; Baysal et al., 2005).
The variety of restaurants is increasing day by day. For this reason, it is obvious that it is impossible to propose a restaurant design that will best respond to each type of restaurant. However, in this study, the principles of restaurant design that are compatible with human nature and compatible with its environment, with its ergonomic regulations and criteria, have been tried to be given in an orderly manner (Beyazıt, 2001).
2. The Importance of Ergonomic Restaurant Design
With the Industrial Revolution that started in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, the necessity of designing and producing living spaces with all kinds of tools, tools, equipment, machinery, structures and equipment in accordance with the characteristics and capacities of those who use or benefit from it has begun to be emphasized. Especially since the second half of the twentieth century, the importance and value of ergonomic designs in terms of the health, safety, motivation, productivity and quality of life of users and employees has been better understood (Akın, 2013; Akın and Gültekin, 2014).
Today, it is a fact that people spend almost all of their time using or benefiting from the products made with their workplaces and living spaces. In this context, it is indisputable that the restaurant and its kitchen, which constitute our subject, must be made according to the location of the restaurant and its type, size, and the ergonomic regulations and criteria of the interior and exterior design for the successful work of the staff, customer satisfaction and the economic profit of the restaurant. Since every ergonomic design will provide benefits such as convenience, health, productivity, safety and quality of life in human activities, it is an inevitable necessity to design everything ergonomically (Akın, 2013; Akın et al., 2013; Bilal, 2014).
The place where food and beverages are prepared and served in businesses is the kitchen. The prerequisite for the production of food and beverages of the desired standard, quality and quality in the enterprises is the knowledgeable, talented, experienced and qualified personnel who will make these products ready for service, and the place, kitchen and dining room where they serve. For this reason, there is a need for an ergonomic kitchen and dining room that will increase the motivation and productivity of the staff working in the restaurant, protect the health and safety of the employees in the kitchen, and realize a profitable production, in addition to having a high level of knowledge and ability about their job. (Balikhan, 2005; Cekal, 2013).
Our country is among the countries that generate a large amount of income with the tourism sector. The more successful and high-quality the hospitality industry in this sector is, the more tourists will come each year. These explanations, the contribution of the restaurants to be ergonomically designed and built, as well as the dining halls and kitchens in hotels, to the country's economy and development should always be considered.
3. Regulation and Criteria in Ergonomic Restaurant Design
It should not be forgotten that one of the prerequisites of providing quality service based on customer satisfaction and providing economic gain from the restaurant, as well as the health, safety, motivation and efficient working of the personnel working in the restaurant, starts with the design of the restaurant in accordance with ergonomic regulations and criteria. In addition to these, criteria such as functionality, originality, technology, aesthetics, anthropometric suitability, economy, compatibility with user requests, health conditions, cognitive and physiological capacity of the user must be taken into consideration during the production phase of each product (Akın & Gültekin, 2014).
What is Restaurant Concept? How to Create a Concept?

It should also not be forgotten that in the kitchens of large restaurants and hotels, it is obvious that it is difficult to design a design suitable for every employee. Because each of the personnel has different anthropometric measurements, sense and perception abilities. For this reason, it is imperative that the height of the counter and sink be adjustable. This will create some problems in production and cost. It is certain that the design of kitchen equipment in accordance with the personnel will enable the employees to work willingly and efficiently for a longer period of time, with less energy consumption and less fatigue. In addition to the reliable and efficient work of the staff working in the restaurant, quality and reliable food and beverages should be prepared, a high level of service should be provided, and it should be thought and planned during the design phase of the kitchen (Akın, 2010a; Dizdar, 2014).
Kitchens in restaurants and hotels are a place where there is a crowded staff and business traffic is intense. Every business kitchen has its own unique layout. But the main regulations are the same in all kitchens. This main arrangement, planning and design has been created as a result of many years of work and the collaboration of experts in this field, especially architects and designers who have gained experience. It is a fact that the preparation of a pleasant-looking, delicious-smelling, delicious, nutritious and popular meal is directly related to kitchen design (Kitchen Space Design principles, 2015).
It is beneficial to choose kitchen equipment, layout and space arrangement in the kitchen, methods that will increase the employee's desire to work, and appropriate equipment that will reduce the required manpower in product and food service. Such an application will increase the quality and quantity of food and food service. It will also make a significant contribution to the use of cost and time and the realization of the program. The main purpose in kitchen design is to bring functionality to the fore in the use and utilization of the kitchen. The main reason for creating the environment, equipment and equipment suitable for the anthropometric measurements of the employees in the kitchen should be to increase the quality of life by increasing the productivity and willingness of the employees to work (Çekal, 2013).
The design and development of work areas and equipment in places related to food service and production according to ergonomic regulations and criteria will ensure that the work is carried out easier and more efficiently, as well as providing job satisfaction, it will also provide better quality products and services. An unplanned, unscheduled and irregularly built kitchen will create a troubled and stressful working environment, leading to a decrease in production quality, staff to leave the job, increase in personnel costs, customer dissatisfaction, and thus loss of customers, thereby undermining the trust in the business and ultimately causing loss of the business.
Likewise, it should not be forgotten that a kitchen design that is not compatible with the employees will at least put the health and safety of the employees at risk. Such a situation will pave the way for the kitchen staff to experience some social and mental problems, not only in their physical structures, but also with other employees (Balikhani, 2005).
4. Environmental Criteria in Restaurant Design
It is not possible to talk about an ergonomic building design without considering environmental conditions. Before the restaurant is built, investigating all environmental conditions, from the climatic conditions of the environment to the ground structure, will provide undeniable benefits. It should be checked whether the restaurant receives wind, sun exposure, its relationship with the surrounding buildings, has a pleasant view and whether there is air circulation. In addition, it should be preferred that the restaurant be in a place where there are no infrastructure problems such as sewage, water, electricity, natural gas and transportation. Environmental problems, especially air, water, soil, noise and visual pollution should be examined (Akın, 2013).
Considering the distance or location of the restaurant to business and shopping centers, industrial establishments, universities, schools, faith centers, large parks, metro, bus stops, terminals, parks, airports, big hotels, the type (type) of the restaurant, the customer It will give important clues to the designers in determining the number of customers and customer profile and making the appropriate design.
The proximity of the restaurant to the parking lot, subway entrances and exits, and social activity areas should also be reviewed, and ways of having a car park of its own should be sought. On the other hand, it is desirable to have an area where the children of the customers can play and have fun comfortably and safely. It should have a beautiful view or a well planned and designed garden that customers can watch while eating. These will be seen as an important factor for customers to enjoy their meals in a pleasant atmosphere and to choose the restaurant with peace of mind. Because customers' feeling safe with their cars and children, being in front of a beautiful view will be the main environmental factors that increase customer satisfaction (Regina and Boraban, 2010).
5. Researching Restaurant Designs
As in all workplaces and living spaces, a successful, planned and orderly restaurant design is one of the main factors that will ensure both restaurant employees and customer satisfaction. For this reason, since the operation scheme, organization and design of the restaurant is one of the most important factors that increase the satisfaction of restaurant employees and customer satisfaction, these should be carefully reviewed during the design phase of the restaurant.
Regardless of the type of restaurant, the architectural and interior design, ventilation, lighting, heating and cooling systems, kitchen materials, equipment and color selection, furniture and their organization are of great importance. The effectiveness of all these elements in the restaurant in accordance with its purpose depends on the operation order, space organization and the success of the design. Restaurant design constitutes many functional groups, starting from the lobby where customers are welcomed, to dining areas, kitchen and various service spaces, and staff rooms (Sönmez, 2008; Kitchen Space Design Principles, 2008).
The main purpose of our subject is the factors that must be taken into account in the operation order (scheme), organization and design of the restaurant for the safe and efficient work of the personnel in a restaurant and for customer satisfaction. If we list the factors to be considered in the design;
1- The customer capacity of the restaurant and the type (type) of the restaurant,
2- The area of the restaurant and the amount of settlement in this area,
3- The volume and type of restaurant service,
4-Customer profile
5-The most suitable circulation area and flow model of the restaurant,
6-The proximity and management of restaurant areas,
7-Economical use of restaurant and kitchen areas,
8-Reducing the transportation service in the restaurant,
9- Necessary investigations should be made and precautions should be taken for customer satisfaction, time and energy saving in the service.
What is Restaurant Concept? How to Create a Concept?
With the awareness that 97% of our country is in the earthquake zone, restaurant design should be carried out. On the other hand, designing a successful and admired restaurant is more difficult than designing a home. Because people of all ages, characteristics and from different communities come to the restaurant. Those who come to restaurants want to both eat and have a good time in a nice and pleasant environment. Especially recently, a wide variety of types of restaurants have been opened for different segments, different age groups, serving different dishes, different ways of eating, even eating places.
The customer profile of each of these restaurants is also different. For this reason, designing a restaurant that everyone will like and want to go to requires having skills such as knowledge, skills, experience, seeing, grasping, feeling, understanding and creativity. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to act with the awareness that this will be possible with an experienced, talented and investigative team who are experts in the field. Remembering that a team should be formed according to the type of restaurant, the team should include experts such as the owner, interior architect, environmental designer, civil and electrical engineer, food chef, contractor company, acoustic specialist, psychologist, sociologist and anthropologist. Only the experts in this team should be able to change according to the type and characteristics of the restaurant (Regina and Boraban; Alonso and O'Neil, 2010).
In the restaurant design, the environmental conditions of the restaurant, the number of customers, the customer profile and the conditions of the restaurant staff, the characteristics of the kitchen equipment and equipment, the placement situation should be taken into consideration.
6. Interior Design of the Restaurant
The interior design of the restaurant should be done by taking into account the environmental conditions of the land and the building, the settlement situation, the customer volume, profile and the type of the restaurant. In addition, the areas where the restaurant materials and equipment will be placed and the areas to be allocated to the personnel should be included in the design.
The entrance of the restaurant should have a spacious and wide entrance to reflect its interior. On the other hand, the main place for the customer of the restaurant is the dining hall. The passageways in the restaurant are at least 80 cm, the width of the doors is 90 cm, the distance between the tables in the hall is at least 100 cm, the spaces leading to the toilet, warehouse and personnel section are at least 110 cm, the height of the passages is 210 cm, the window surface is at least 1/10 of the restaurant floor surface. it should be as much. The ceiling height of the restaurant should not be less than 3.50 cm. The restaurant must have a minimum 100 cm wide emergency exit door for 150 people (Neufert, 2013, Kitchen Design Principles).
Since there are many types of restaurants according to factors such as the preparation, variety and presentation of the food, there will also be differences in the way and duration of the customer staying at the table, communicating and chatting at the table. Depending on all these, it is natural that the surface areas of the tables where the customers sit are different. In addition to the fact that the person eating at the table is thin, normal, fat, obese, child and old, as well as being short, medium and tall, changes in the dimensions of the tables and chairs will be natural.
However, to give a measure, there should be a table surface area of 80 cm wide and 40 cm deep for a person to eat comfortably. With this measure, the necessary distance is left between the other people sitting at the table. 20 cm of this width of the table is easily reserved for plates, forks, spoons, knives, glasses and soup bowls. For a round table for four people, the diameter of the table is between 90 and 120 cm in order to have a comfortable meal (Neufert, 2013; Akın, 2013).
In order to sit comfortably between the table and the wall, a distance of 1 meter should be left. 40 cm of this should be between the chair and 60 cm between the wall. The height of the table from the ground should be approximately 5 cm below the elbow ground distance with the elbow bent when the person sits on the chair. At this distance, it is about 74.75 cm.
It is appropriate that the chair seat height is 44, 45 cm on average, the width of the chair seat is 44 cm, and the depth is 40 cm. The large surface of the chair facing the table should be curved downwards so that the legs do not put too much pressure on the inside of the knee bend when eating. White or light colors should be preferred, which is a symbol of cleanliness in restaurants (Akın, 2013; Neufert, 2013).
The customer capacity of the restaurants is calculated by assuming that the customers will move three times every hour in fast food restaurants and twice in convection (traditional) restaurants. The average length of stay of customers in private restaurants and evening restaurants should be between 1.15 and 2 hours (Neufert, 2013). ; Regina and Boroban, 2010). According to a recent view, restaurant kitchens are desirable to have an open view. Thus, it is aimed to make the kitchen visible, to provide both a pleasant appearance and a different understanding of application, to give more confidence to customers and to gain a different cooking experience (Alonso and O'Neil, 2010).
7. Basic Rules in Restaurant Design
Regardless of the size and form of the restaurant space, we can say that the rules regarding the planning and design stages are the same. After determining the environmental conditions and type of the restaurant, installation places such as sinks, sinks, electrical lamps, electrical switches, sockets, and structural features of the space such as doors, windows and walls are determined on a scaled sketch made according to the number of users and intended use.
Then, depending on the fixed characteristics, the main action areas are determined collectively in groups. In the kitchen, a working triangle (food preparation, cooking and service areas) is created in accordance with the action areas, and accordingly, the equipment and equipment locations are determined. Finally, according to the order of action, working and necessary storage areas and service areas between units, locations and sizes in accordance with the capacity of the restaurant and kitchen are determined and the details are passed.
Receiving, storage, cooking and serving places and the distances between them are determined according to the principle of regular progress in the layout of the kitchen. Corridors should not be narrow and there should be no partitions between these special parts.
The dining room should not be far from the kitchen and on another floor. For the health and efficiency of the workers in the kitchen, necessary arrangements and measures should be taken in order to ensure that the air conditioning system works adequately and of high quality. There should be sufficient sinks, sinks and garbage storage areas in the kitchen, and they should be kept in working order and clean at all times. In terms of ease of cleaning of the kitchen and health and safety of the employees, the floor should be covered with a material that is resistant to slip, acids, oils and abrasion (Balikhani, 2005; Dizdar, 2014). Adequate lighting has a great role in the efficient and healthy operation of the kitchen.
Adequate lighting of the kitchen ensures safe use of cutting tools such as knives and rows. In addition, it can be checked by seeing that the food is cooked adequately. Adequate lighting of the kitchen also reduces the risk of accidents. It is inconvenient for kitchen tools and equipment to be installed in the wrong place or incorrectly, insufficient, the height of the cooker, cooker and work benches, the insufficient and excessive distance between them, insufficient storage and refrigerators, freezers, the quality of the food and the health, safety and efficiency of the kitchen staff. Bilal, 2014).
It is appropriate for those working in the hot areas of the kitchen to be between 25-32 °C in the kitchen, 20 °C in cold work areas such as butchery, and 20-30 °C in other areas. The height of the workbench should be according to the anthropometric dimensions of the employees. However, to give an average figure, it should be 85-90 cm high. The distance between the workbench and the cooker must be minimum 125 cm, the distance between two cookers or ovens must be 120 cm, and the required worktop area for each cook must be at least 120 cm. Kitchen walls should be covered with tiles of at least 180 cm in height for ease of cleaning, beautiful appearance and keeping dirt less. The kitchen ceiling should be covered with a material that is easy to clean. The ceiling should be painted in a light color. Adequate measures should be taken in advance against fire, explosion and other accidents in the kitchen (Dizdar, 2003; Çakal, 2013).
8. Conclusion
A long-lasting and high-quality life by staying healthy and vigorous is possible with the positive effect and interaction of his genetic structure and environmental conditions. Environmental factors such as nutrition, climate, altitude, and socioeconomic level have an indisputable effect on quality of life, since environmental conditions are directly influential in whether a person's genetic structure works or not.
Today, the knowledge, technical and technological level that people have reached has reached levels that will astonish people. So much so that people can shape the nature of the environment, living and workplace conditions as they wish. In this context, the science of ergonomics has a great contribution in making the environment in which people live and every product they produce suitable for human nature and characteristics. For this reason, every living space and product created according to ergonomic regulations and criteria directly affects the quality of life.
In recent years, the need for restaurants has been increasing due to the fact that they work outside, especially women. As a result, a large number and variety of restaurants were opened to meet the food needs. It is also obvious that it is impossible to propose an ideal restaurant design that can best meet the increasing variety and needs of restaurants today.
For this, the restaurant and restaurant kitchen is designed and prepared by a team of experts, knowledgeable, experienced and creative in order to ensure that each restaurant's environmental conditions, location, type of restaurant, customer capacity, customer profile, customer satisfaction, health, safety and efficient working of the personnel. needs to be built.
A well-designed, functional, nice-looking, safe, clean, well-organized restaurant that prioritizes customer and personnel satisfaction, with the current knowledge, technical and technological level, by a team of experts in this business, meticulously within the framework of ergonomic regulation and ergonomic criteria. can be designed and built. As long as a person has the will, will and ability to do.
5. Conflict of Interest
No conflict of interest has been declared by the authors.
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As the head chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR, I see the source:
Mr. I sincerely thank Galip AKIN, Timur GÜLTEKİN * for his academic studies titled "Criteria for Today's Restaurant Design" and wish him success in his professional life . It will definitely be considered as an example by those who need it in professional kitchens and the world of gastronomy.