What is Sustainability for Food? Sustainable Products, How to Pay Attention to Seasonal Harvest and Reproduction Timing in the Use of Natural Resources? What is Sustainable Restaurant Kitchen? What is a Sustainable Restaurant Menu? How to Prepare a Sustainable Restaurant Menu? What is a Waste Free Restaurant? How to Become a Waste Free Restaurant? What are the Conditions of Being a Waste Free Restaurant? So, how is "some" of the waste that should be thrown away in a sustainable..
What is Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and Sustainable Restaurant Menu?
Coord. Chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR
My goal was to write a separate article on Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and a separate article on Sustainable Restaurant Menu. Frankly, I've been thinking about it for a few days. I believed that meaningless results could come from two separate articles, and I decided to write two separate issues as a single article, taking into account the sustainable development tools, for better understanding.
A sustainable restaurant kitchen can only be supported by a sustainable restaurant menu. Being sustainable is also riveted by being zero waste, the lowest carbon footprint or a waste-free kitchen. If the use of green energy is added to these terms, which cannot be used separately from each other, you will have combined all the links of the chain.
What is Sustainability for Food?
Sustainability means ensuring its permanence, being able to meet its own needs and enabling change in a balanced environment. At the same time, agriculture, natural resources protection, culturally natural renewable generation, technological and political development can be achieved. Preserving the truth and consuming it in a balanced way are also included in this definition. While consuming a resource, it also contributes to its reproduction and regeneration. Sustainability is a concept that applies not only to food but also to all natural resources.
Sustainable Products, How to Pay Attention to Seasonal Harvest and Reproduction Timing in the Use of Natural Resources?
If the necessary investments are made on these features that are sufficient and support each other, you will pave the way for seasonal and local healthy nutrition. The proper use of natural resources nourishes nature and contributes to its further growth. A world where natural resources are not polluted any more is the healthiest living space and source of life to be left to future generations.
Today, it cannot be said that all of the big factories are careful about the following issues, but they should be more careful...
* Healthy harvest from soil to plate,
* Sustainable hunting,
* Seasonal hunting,
* Seasonal harvest,
* Using local and regional products,
* Carelessness in the supply of livestock and aquaculture...
They are insensitive to such matters. We should not forget that we harm the world, which is our source of life, in all kinds of hunting and harvesting of natural products, where daily earnings are not considered and sustainability is not considered.
The following items can be considered in sustainable restaurant criteria. Although the definitions of concepts such as sustainable restaurant, sustainable restaurant cuisine, green restaurant and zero waste come together, they are inseparable concepts. One cannot exist without the other. If one of the above definitions is missing, the others will be missing.
* Sustainable restaurant menu application,
* Food supply from sustainable sources,
* Using reusable and environmentally friendly products,
* Waste reduction and recycling (zero waste),
* Water and Energy efficiency,
* Sustainable durable building materials,
* Chemical pollution reduction and carbon footprint reduction,
* Providing social impact, fair and equal working conditions,
-- I can sort it out. The system, which will be completed with the combination of all substances and features, will become a candidate to set an example in this field by fulfilling the zero waste rules along with the definition of sustainability and green restaurant.
Many of the big fishing boats, which have the idea that the more fish we catch, the more profit we will make, also do not use the right fishing methods. It's really sad to think about the hunting costs when they have to take into account the protection of the nests and the breeding seasons...
According to 2022 and 2023 World gastronomy trends, the word Sustainable has become one of the most used "Definitions" both in our restaurants and in the food and beverage industry. While culinary cultures and
gastronationalism movements accelerate in Turkey and in the world, international ready-made food brands are going through the most difficult periods of their history.
Rising energy costs in the world and the adoption of gastronationalism in all world geographies have put ready-to-eat food brands in a serious situation. In this sense, different cuisines and culinary cultures in every geography take into account the principles of sustainability in the restaurant menus they prepare with traditional tastes, local and regional products, taking into account the
menu trends of the future.
What is Sustainable Restaurant Kitchen?
* Recycling of all products used should be calculated very well,
* Determination of fixtures to be used for products with seasonal timing,
* Accumulation and evaluation of waste products,
* Timing of products obtained from natural sources,
* Determining the duration of the hunting season in aquatic products,
* Slaughter time and timing of products to be slaughtered in livestock,
* Agriculture from soil to plate and product supply in agriculture and proper storage of products,
* Making winter preparations with the right products on time with the right planning,
* Giving priority to the use of local and local products,
* Recycling of product raw materials used in packaging and service...
Issues such as -- can lead to the emergence of the right restaurant kitchen in terms of the right approach and sustainability. Now it's time to combine sustainable restaurant cuisine with sustainable restaurant menu...
How to Make a Sustainable Restaurant Menu? What Are the Most Important Points to Consider in a Sustainable Restaurant Menu? What are the Features of Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and Sustainable Restaurant Menu?
Sustainability details, which are one of the most important issues mentioned in
2023 gastronomy trends, require more detail and importance than known issues. In this regard, the Sustainable restaurant cuisine and the Sustainable restaurant menu are a whole, they can never be separated from each other. I list the important issues in this regard below.
* Making a list of products that can be obtained from natural (nature) sources (mushroom varieties, blackberry varieties, and similar products.)
* Preparing the list of products that can be obtained in agriculture and agricultural fields,
* Preparing the list of products that can be obtained from the sea and natural water resources,
* Preparation of local and regional product list,
* Preparing the list of products to be obtained from livestock and hunting,
* The list of products to be added to the menu with winter preparations,
* Calculating the seasonal timing of all products...
-- After these lists are prepared, the following questions or information to be used in
menu planning can be taken into consideration. While preparing a good sustainable restaurant menu, a healthy
menu analysis can be achieved by taking into account the characteristics of the restaurant and the characteristics of the cuisine.
What is a Sustainable Restaurant Menu? How to Prepare a Sustainable Restaurant Menu?
In order to activate these studies in a healthy way, taking into account the principles of sustainable, waste-free or zero waste;
* Reviewing the characteristics of the restaurant kitchen and the fixtures cooking equipment it has,
* Review of sustainable restaurant food concept,
* Evaluation of the guest portfolio,
* Evaluation of the number of summer or winter guests,
* Evaluation of the service areas of the sustainable restaurant,
* Evaluation of the number of guests hosted daily, monthly and annually...
* Making the best-selling, least-selling, most-complained, and most recommended food reports,
* Preparing the most profitable and least profitable meal reports according to cost reports,
* The average serving time of standard dishes that can be included in the menu should not exceed 25 minutes,
* The average serving time of special dishes to be included in the sustainable restaurant menu should not exceed 1 hour,
* Sorting and storing all garbage in such a way that it can be sent for recycling by classifying among themselves (waste sorting)...

A big list of the Sustainable restaurant menu should be prepared, taking into account features such as --. The contents of the large restaurant menu prepared first should be eliminated by considering the following features. In this elimination; menu analysis, cost control and menu planning criteria are taken into account. You may need to benefit from the knowledge of experts on this subject.
In the Sustainable Restaurant Menu, the criteria to be taken into account in determining the content of the food menu, which will serve until the "Small Opening", are much more important. I have mentioned some of these criteria in the above articles, but they are not all of them. Most importantly, the methods to be used in
cooking techniques should be carefully evaluated.
If I need to list the most important issues to be considered in the details of the menu, which will serve until the
small opening, especially in the a la carte restaurants, these may be as follows;
* Paying attention to the seasonal timing of all products to be used and stating this on the menu,
* Consideration of meal service times,
* Consideration of food costs,
* Consideration of the restaurant concept,
* Consideration of kitchen cooking units,
* Consideration of the kitchen team,
* Consideration of restaurant service areas,
* Considering the concept as 12 months, winter and summer,
* Considering the logistics and supply chain and its costs,
* Sustainable restaurant food menu consists of 6 sections in international standards,
* Considering the +25% and -25% basis of the average price of the product types in each section in the restaurant menu...
-- There may be some of the features that should be found in a Sustainable Restaurant Menu. But that's not all. One of the other features that a real sustainable restaurant kitchen and sustainable restaurant menu should have is zero waste.
What is a Waste Free Restaurant? How to Become a Waste Free Restaurant? What are the Conditions of Being a Waste Free Restaurant?
In the Sustainable Restaurant cuisine and while making the Sustainable Restaurant Menu, the issue of "zero waste" is the most taken into consideration. Waste-free restaurant or "zero waste" is an important item in the menu trends of the future as well as in the 2023 gastronomy trends.
Sustainability is an issue that has serious connections with being waste-free. We can say that protecting nature and natural resources is the main ingredient of sustainability. If there is one, there is the other, and if one does not exist, the other does not exist. Just like the organs that make up a body. All of them are valuable and complement each other.
Although it is used in many waste dishes in a restaurant kitchen with sustainability features, it is very difficult to use all of it. The fact that these wastes can be used in other dishes or
Special Food Sauces does not mean that they can be consumed completely. Because all of them are really unusable. But it can be used for other purposes of the same restaurant.
There is no such thing as zero waste. Waste happens all the time. But the evaluation and recycling of waste means zero waste. When we look at the issue from this perspective, the use of wastes obtained from each product used for sustainability purposes. Here are the other answers that complete the purpose and need to step in and be defined...
So, how is "some" of the waste that should be thrown away in a sustainable restaurant kitchen evaluated in the kitchen?
* Evaluation of vegetable wastes in sauces together with auxiliary dishes and garnishes,
* Evaluation of bone waste in cooking water, rice and pasta,
* Evaluation of meat and vegetable wastes together in soup, rice, consumme, démiglas or Special Meal Sauces...
---- may be priority considerations. But it doesn't end there. The items I mentioned above are evaluations that can be made in a short time. There are also areas where these assessments can be used in the long term. Such as the conversion of vegetable waste into compost fertilizer in the long term and its use in agriculture and agriculture. For example, if a restaurant has a small garden where it grows its own products, it can also be evaluated here.
In the concept of a sustainable restaurant, I can say that producing your own food is the most important definition. But nowadays, this definition for a restaurant is economically difficult to achieve. Maybe this definition can be more realistic and applicable for a chain brand restaurant of more than 10. In fact, this can be achieved not only as agriculture and agriculture, but also as fisheries and livestock.
If I need to give examples of these, they can be tried in the following branches;
* Agriculture and Agriculture,
* Viticulture,
* Farming,
* Fishing,
* Meat and meat products,
* Milk and milk products,
* Hunting,
* Production of Poultry,
* Preparation of Winter Preparation Foods,
-- and a farm to be established in similar areas can meet all these needs. In fact, if a little more attention is paid, a sustainable food sector can be created not only for restaurants but also in many areas. This should be well planned and the multiplier costs of the business should be well calculated. This topic is a separate article as well as a separate area of expertise. I plan to write an article about this as soon as possible.
What is a Sustainable Green restaurant?
Today, "we use green energy" is written under some restaurant menus in Europe and America. Of course, that restaurant does not generate its own energy. But there are different electricity companies and these companies sell their electricity over the same existing power lines. but thanks to developing technologies, any restaurant can now provide its own energy in different ways.
If I have to give a few examples of these Green Energy Supply Methods;
* Energy Obtained from the Sun,
* Energy Obtained from Wind,
* Energy Obtained from the Sea,
* Energy Obtained from Fertilizer,
* Energy Obtained from Water....
I can sort it as --. In today's conditions, these methods are developing day by day and investment costs are decreasing day by day. One of the conditions to be a fully sustainable restaurant is to be able to obtain your own energy from natural sources.
Finally, the way to become a self-sufficient sustainable restaurant is to create healthy winter preparations and storage conditions. Because there are winter preparations in traditional Turkish culinary culture and in all geographical cuisines in the world. These are prepared under suitable conditions and in the season, prepared with different fermentations and stored.
If I have to talk about some of the foods that are stored for winter preparations and to be consumed even without the season;
* Pickle Making,
* Dried Vegetables,
* Dried Meats,
* Dried Fish,
* Canned Production,
* Cheese Making,
* Oil Making,
* Making Paste,
* Jam Making,
* Foods to be Frozen in Today's Technology...
I can show topics like -- as examples. In different parts of the world, the summer season is different, the winter season is different. In some geographies, the season may be summer, while in other geographies it may be winter. But in some geographies there is no winter. It can also be called the rainy season. Storing the products obtained for use in winter and storing them until the time of consumption requires a separate skill and conditions.

These storage conditions vary according to the economic conditions, geographical conditions and cultural structures of the geographies. At the same time, some of the products are taken into glass containers, some are put in sacks, some are buried in the ground, and some are kept in cool caves so that they can remain healthy. There is a lot to be said for sustainability. But I think we have stated what can be said in this article. For more information, you can contact me regarding the issues in my international
restaurant consulting and
kitchen consulting service areas.
All the features I have mentioned above are as follows;
* Determination of general management and department departments,
* Writing the Professional Personnel hierarchy,
* Making job descriptions of all personnel,
* Establishment of control mechanism,
* Ensuring quality management,
* Establishment of the marketing department,
* Raising awareness of all employees about the work they do,
* Providing information about sustainability to all employees,
* Establishing and maintaining the supply chain,
* Printing and distributing relevant brochures that will enlighten the guests about the aims of the restaurant,
* A healthy structuring of storage conditions...
--- may be some of the most important issues to consider in the main items.
*** You can contact me through my contact information for more information on the topics mentioned in the above article and to get support on the topics within
my service areas for gastronomy consultancy. ***
Coord. Chef Ahmet ÖZDEMİR
International And Intercontinental
Restaurant Consultant And Kitchen Consultant
Ottoman and Turkish Cuisine World Envoy